[color=0072bc]"I may have been born at night but it certainly wasn't last night. I know how dealers operate--you say one thing to get out of a potential bust and continue dealing on a different corner."[/color] Glenn retorted, slowly beginning to regain his composure. Not thinking of what words were coming out of his mouth, he continued speaking. [color=0072bc]"Why don't you just do yourself a favor and get a real job. I mean, are your parents proud of your current occupation?" [/color] Right after saying that, Glenn bit his tongue to prevent his next string of harsh dialogue from leaving his mouth. He unfolded his arms and put his fingers in his pockets, leaving his thumbs hanging out. While it appeared to the others he was just adjusting his stance, he was actually making contact with his iPod in his left pocket--prepared to absorb it's matter in order to covert his skin into hard, cold metal in order to defend himself in case one of them had a weapon on them... and then that's when the scary thought cut into Glenn's mind: [i][color=0072bc]What if one of these two has an ability like I do...?[/color][/i] This small thought began chewing at Glenn's confidence as his ego began to shrink. [color=0072bc][i]Shit... then this is going to get even [b]more[/b] complicated...[/i][/color] [@Mr Allen J][@GummyCat][@Viscerous]