Guild: Pirate Lord Name: Aurora Rovis Age: 17 Magic: [hider=Dream magic - Caster type - level A] Aurora has used this magic for as long as she can remember, she started learning it when she was a young child. This type of magic is useless in battle, because she has to be asleep to cast most of the spells related to it. Using Dream magic, Aurora can travel great distances in a Dream form and observe things as if she were there in person, and can go into the dreams of others, either to learn more info from their subconscious or to communicate in a way that is almost telepathic. Once inside a Dream, Aurora can alter the dream itself, to make a certain situation to hide her presence in the dream. Any dream she enters, the dreamer will become aware that they are dreaming, and thus have that added control over the dream. They can realize she is there by figuring out that they can't control her, and can fight her in the dream. Aurora's Dream form can be anything she wishes, but she prefers to be herself or a younger version of herself rather than an animal or object. When fighting in a dream, the dreamer can use any powers and magic they have when they are awake, and Aurora has a few combative spells that she can use only when using her Dream magic. [i]Dreaming Death[/i]- A hallucination inside the dream where the dreamer is helpless to stop the death of someone close to them, or their own death by the means they find the most fearful. Aurora uses this mainly as a way to shatter the opponent's morale or as a diversion so she can leave the dream without being traced back to her body by the dreamer. [i]Dream Shield[/i]- A shield created from good memories, it is stronger with better memories, but weak against magics fueled by bad memories or emotions. [i]Dream Jolt[/i]- Aurora can fire multiple energy blasts at the enemy meant to wake the dreamer up, as they can do real physical harm (Just a sting that lasts a few minutes after waking up and some minor burns). When the dreamer wakes up, Aurora is automatically brought back to her own body. When Aurora is spying in the real world, she is almost undetectable. If her form is visible, it has no shadow. If her form is invisible, it looks like the air is rippled where she is. Dream forms are like ghosts, they don't breathe or have a heartbeat you could hear, and can easily walk through walls and interact with objects around them. They're there, but really they aren't. [i]Running[/i]- Aurora is much faster in her dream form than any vehicle. She can cover great distances very quickly and it's useful for creating distractions in her childlike form, although she goes much slower to do this. [i]Message[/i]- She can influence people using a sort of minor telepathy that plants the words in the person's subconscious, making it seem as though it was one of their own thoughts. [i]Transfer Energy[/i]- Aurora's dream form shifts to a different form, at the same time making an illusion of the previous form to distract people and draw attention. Usually, she just has the form fall over suddenly, and people will worry about the 'person'. Useful for getting away from people who realize that she's different. [i]Sleep[/i]- She can force about 20 people to fall asleep for 10 minutes, or make one person sleep for hours. The more people, the less time.[/hider][hider=Guardian magic - Holder type - level C] This magic uses a contract between Aurora and a Guardian Spirit (Similar to a Celestial Spirit, but can also be a living creature on Earthland) to summon said spirit to her side to aid and protect her and her teammates in battle, or to help in other situations as well, if their bond is strong enough. The contract and bond are symbolized by marks or gifts given by the spirit to the holder, and a promise given from the holder to the spirit. If the spirit gives the holder an item, the holder can choose an object to serve as a 'grand conductor' for the items and marks of multiple spirits, so they don't have to carry around all the items all the time. If the item is broken, the bond will break. But in the case of a Grand Conductor, the bond won't break right away if the Conductor breaks. The holder has three days to make a new conductor, but they need all their items and marks together to do so. Taking the Conductor away will only make the holder temporarily unable to use the spirits that gave them items that are tied to the conductor, as marks are always present, invisible on the holder's body unless in use. If a spirit wants a closer or more unbreakable bond, they will give the holder a mark. Aurora has two marks and three items, all connected in this Grand Conductor: [img][/img] [hider=Marks and Items] A mark given by a Wolf spirit, Silstorm. Located on Aurora's left shoulder, above her heart. [img][/img] A mark given by a Spirit of Revenge, Arnox. Located a few inches above Aurora's belly button. [img][/img] An item given by a Living Horse spirit, Gera. A Lucky Horseshoe. An item given by a Water spirit, Liria. A Conch Shell. An item given by an Earth spirit, Daran. A Precious Gem. [/hider] [/hider] Magic Level: B (Average) History: She grew up mostly in a small no-name town on the eastern coast of Fiore, but she often traveled around the country with her father on his work. He was a merchant, so they constantly were meeting new people and weren't ever in one place for very long. That's how her shyness started, she never got to talk to anyone other than her father much, so she grew uncomfortable speaking to anyone else. When she turned 15 her father had finally saved up enough money that he could stop needing to travel all over the place and they could spend more time at home with her mother. Aurora found it hard to stay in that town after traveling with her father for so much of her life, so she got her parent's permission to go traveling on her own. As she traveled she learned a lot of things, her Guardian magic probably being the most important of those, and learning how to get people's attention being the next. She met and old man on the road one day as she and her horse, Gera, were stopped for a rest. She did a favor for him, and so he showed her Guardian magic by summoning a Wolf Spirit to him, Silstorm. They went to the next town together, a three-day journey, and in that time the old man had taught Aurora how to make a temporary bond with a spirit and how to bond with a living spirit. He taught her that bonding with a living spirit before trying to make a permanent bond with a spirit was important because if you couldn't keep the trust of a living creature, how could a spirit trust you? By the time they got to the town, Aurora had bonds with two spirits. One was her horse Gera, a Living spirit, and the other was the Wolf Spirit Silstorm, who was impressed by Aurora's natural kindness and decided that she would rather watch her grow in her ability than stay with the old man. It was Silstorm that eventually led Aurora to join a guild, Pirate Lord. Personality: She's shy to the point where it's difficult for her to speak when she knows more than just a few people are listening to her. She is kind and intuitive, and very, very obvious. You could read her like a book if you wanted. She's not good at keeping secrets, and is very trusting, at least until she is burned. Three Strengths: 1. She's bookish, meaning she's smart and a good storyteller, if you can get her to tell you one. 2. She's a good cook and enjoys learning new recipes. 3. She's a good friend, and will always return a favor. Three Weaknesses: 1. She can't swim, and is terrified of the ocean and boats. 2. Her shyness causes her to fade into the background alot, even in battle her opponent might forget she's there. 3. She's almost too trusting of her teammates. She wouldn't realize a trick until it was too late. Greatest Love: Pancakes with maple syrup. Motivation: She wanted to join a guild to help her make more friends, and become stronger as a wizard. She hopes to be able to call everyone in the guild a friend. Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: She's farsighted, and even when she does talk she is quiet. She doesn't like yelling and arguments. [color=708090]This is her text color for speech and thought[/color]