Alex scooted around the shotgun wielding officer, holding his breath the whole time, and was out the door in a flash. He dashed down an alleyway, and found he had followed the other officer, and a third robber. He was turning to flee in a different direction when he saw it. One of the Veiss's cyber-hounds. It leaped onto the robber, and after a moment of what Alex assumed was scanning, messily tore open his throat. If he were visible, Alex would have gone green. Alex nearly drew his dagger out of reflex, but stayed his hand, hoping to still have a chance to escape. He slowly tried to back away without drawing attention from the cyber-hound, when the officer broke into a sprint away from it, shouting out, "Holy crap! Help me!" The officer slammed bodily into Alex, the both of them tumbling to the ground. [b][color=dimgray]"Ah hell! You idiot!"[/color][/b] Alex struggled to disentangle himself from the officer, but he was stuck under the heavier man. Luckily both Alex and the officer were saved by Taryn's intervention from the window as she blew a bubble that made its way right for the robot. Alex made a mental note to thank her for that later.