[hr][h1][i][color=Orangered]Maxine Mariah Carter[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Alan Hawke][/sub][hr] This situation has pretty crossed the shit-show threshold. Something that Glenn said really pushed her buttons. Because he went somewhere that Maxine would rather keep buried down. Asking [i]her[/i] about what her parents thought. It's what [i]they[/i] thought in the first place that got her doing this. She crushed her cigarette by the middle, and it dropped onto the ground. Which did wonders for Maxine's mood. What little smoke it gave off was absorbed into her body before it met it's end underneath her boot. [color=Orangered]"How about this, you little shit, I'm [i]done[/i] trying to talk to you."[/color] Maxine said, as she got uncomfortably close to Glenn. She made sure to drive her fingers right into his chest. [color=Orangered]"I'm ten seconds away from kicking your candy-ass [i]up and down[/i] St. Portwell, and kicking your ass [i]even harder[/i] if you tell anyone about what you saw here."[/color] She got even closer, staring him in the eyes. [color=orangered]"So, yeah, this is the part where your dense-ass finally realizes you're in the wrong neighborhood, and scurries off."[/color]