[center][h1][color=SpringGreen]Archer[/color][/h1][/center] [@AbysmalDemon] [color=YellowGreen]Archer smiled brightly, noticing the blush that colored his cheeks. Being one not to make fun of such a show of emotion, she only found it rather adorable. And a bit of her heart became squishy. How could she say no! Although as her mind rolled over her thoughts, winter was impatiently shifting her feet. The horses eyes glared down at the two, suspicious of the male around her companion. And was not all pleased when Archer to easily accepted Will. [b]"[color=SpringGreen]Of course! I'd love a partner![/color]"[/b] She laughed with a bright smile. Archer seemed all so pleased to have a new friend. while Winter looked rather offended[/color] [center][h1][color=powderblue]Malrunwa[/color][/h1][/center] [@Cuccoruler] [color=black]Malrunwa was walking, plotting her ways to torture and slaughter the humans. It was the sweet smell that hit her senses first. The smell of roses and honey was heavy. Nearly a fake smell. It was overwhelming, and while most dragons would know to straighten up. Knowing this scent could only be the aroma of a royal dragon. Being of the royal bloodline herself, especially having become rogue, she found no respect within herself for the royalty such as herself. Dragons in her mind could only be measured in one thing. How merciless they were. That was all that mattered to her. A dragon with mercy was not the deadly hunter it was meant to be. It would not be the top predator they were breed to be. The sound was what caught her attention next. The voice of royal dragon was soft and elegant. Like that of any royal. Insisting the respect of any dragon lesser of blood. Her dress softly swayed as she stopped in her tracks. Her sharp gaze blazed from over her shoulder, looking to face the other royal that stood only yards behind herself. [b]"[color=PowderBlue]Humans are only good for the thrill of the hunt.[/color]"[/b] Was the response that came from the young dragon. Her black hair braids along her back, swaying slightly in the morning breeze that covered the town.[/color]