[hider=Pilot] Name: Krista "Kris" Reynolds Appearance: Short sun bleached hair and heavily tanned skin. 5' 1" , Pudgy Age:14 Personality: Outside of the Archer, Krista is cheerful and optimistic. However she honestly feels that it is better to be blunt now rather than mince words and wait for a misunderstanding to form. This has led to more than a few hurt feelings with her peers. While she does enjoy group activities, she shies away from one on one interactions. However she is noticeably colder when preparing for a mission or in the Archer, sometimes dismissing personal and emotional problems with derision. Motive to live: Revenge, protect her remaining family. Background: Krista was on a docked cargo ship owned by her cousin Richard when the Cruxi attacked her home-world. Richard locked her and cousins Jess and brother Martel into the ship's security room while the ship tried to deal with the influx of refugees. Between the security feeds in the security room and news broadcasts, she had a front row seat to the chaos the Cruxi caused. In addition, watching her family home get destroyed while she watched imbued a sense of helplessness that sent her spiraling into despair. While a few members of her family managed to make it off the planet safely, it wasn't until she learned of the Framewerk program that she managed to pull herself out of her depression. Now she can do something. Now she doesn't need to sit idly by watching others die. Notable Deaths: Her family's farmstead was destroyed as she watched through the video call Martel had made in a desperate attempt to warn their parents. She also remembers watching as the ship she was on left people on the ground as it took off. [/hider] [hider=The Archer] Framewerk Code Name: Archer [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/3b11/th/pre/i/2011/266/b/9/boggart_by_flyingdebris-d4aqqa9.jpg[/img] [url=http://flyingdebris.deviantart.com/art/Boggart-259907985]Source[/url] (Just pretend that the guy isn't there. This is more for the general shape of the machine) [/hider] Signature Weapon System: Anti Material Projectile - Thermal Type(A.M.P.T.T.) Cannon, also known as the Slag Cannon. This is a modified rail gun that can fire superheated metal, typically tungsten, to melt through armor. The large amount of heat this generates limits the (Safe) firing rate for the weapon. Typically a technique known as "Time on Target" is used to increase the effectiveness of the first shot by following it up with one or more conventional rail-gun shots. The Archer's Prometheus Fire Control System automates the rapid loading and firing of these follow up shots, but they are more inaccurate than the initial shot due to recoil. Secondary Weapon System: Prometheus Fire Control System: This system allows the Archer to track and predict enemy movements to a limited degree. While it isn't true prescience, it uses an advanced suite of sensors and adaptive computer models to develop the situational awareness to predict a target's movements. The system is also designed to learn from experience, so the more it is used the better the predictive models get and thus the system becomes more effective. It is primarily used to help the Archer's pilot to aim the main gun and handle the reloading of the main gun. The actual aim adjustment and pulling of the trigger are still done by the pilot. While it allows the Archer to accurately hit targets at remarkable ranges when both the target and Archer are stationary, movement of either the Archer or target reduces the accuracy of system remarkably. Typically this reduces the system to providing predictions (i.e. 80% of the shots fired will land in this particular area) of likely points of impact in most combat situations. Hornet Nest Point Defense System: Primarily a defensive system, there are several hidden missile pods located all over the Archer. At a moment's notice one or more missiles can be fired off to intercept incoming enemy fire with kinetic impact weapons, which are essentially large darts. While this is mainly to protect the Archer from return fire while on the move, the system can attack other targets such as airborne threats with less efficacy as the Hornet Nest missiles lack the explosive damage of conventional missile load-outs. Armor Type: Heavy. The heavy hitting nature of the main gun puts the Archer at the top of the enemy's list of targets, necessitating heavy protection. The Archer has been equipped with experimental armor that gives the same protection as conventional heavy armor while still allowing the heat from its main gun to dissipate. However the Archer still requires support to deal with close range engagements, as it is slower than most bipedal Framewerks and lacks a strong close range defense. Special Ability: N/A [/hider] Current Synchro: 80%