After sorting out business in the Dungeon, Emily's stride was casual and unhurried. It wasn't as if the village was going anywhere, so running over there was pointless. Instead, she enjoyed the scenery. It was nice scenery, but even at an unhurried saunter, the world did not last forever. So, Emily found herself in the village she was going to and began her work. Her eyes flickered Golden for a few moments, and then back to their base colour after she saw that there was nobody with enough magical potental to see what she was doing. There where few people who bothered with the young girl 'playing' at the edge of the village, each person assuming she was another's daughter, and so she was left alone. Like last time, Emily walked around the entirety of the village, before starting to go into it, not flying like last time because that ended rather badly. A twinkling strand of light fell from her hand, and marked the ground as she moved, past man, woman and child. They seemed pretty peaceful, and nobody had heard about the other village attack yet, so Emily knew they had done it very well. She pictured it all going up in fire, and it was a good sight, to her at least. The rune she was drawing had a different, more intricate pattern than the one she had spawned Fire Spirits with, and obviously nothing else would do for the Kitsune. Once the rune was all drawn up, Emily moved to a point in the middle of town where every line intersected to make a small circle. It was there, that Emily held out her hand and created her Empyrean Husk, considerably larger than the one she had given Torrens. Then her Spirits filled it with the white flame, and it glowed, in the center of town as Emily started to leave, singing a beautiful song. "[url=]How can you see into my eyes like open doors?[/url] Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb. Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold, Until you find it there and lead it back home" Heavy music suddenly filled the village, making several of the villagers jump in surprise, and then a male voice sung in response to Emily's words. It was all a magnificent show, and when Emily got to pass the Rune, a sudden pillar of flame roared upwards, engulfing the entire village and scrapping the heavens before dissapating, and leaving a woman, floating on nothing, with five bushy tails spread out behind her. It saw Emily, and then was suddenly in front of her, in the blink of an eye. "Hello darling" The Kitsune cooed, giggling softly to itself.