[Center]Alexis[/center] As soon as Maxine had stepped up, Alexis backed off a bit in order to let her deal with the situation. [i]Technically,[/i] Alexis thought to herself, [i]my part here is done. I could just let her deal with it, but... I can't risk something like this on my first day here.[/i] She decided to stay and watch, to see how things went. With her power, she focused on both of them, gauging their emotional levels. The male seemed nervous, and even moreso with each word he said. Alexis thought she felt slight fear mixed in as well but wasn't entirely sure. Maxine on the other hand had been trying to remain calm and rational. It seemed now though that her hostility was rising. When Maxine began threatening the boy, Alexis got an idea. She dropped her focus on Maxine so she could concentrate fully on the boy. She focused on the fear she felt trying her best to emulate the feeling in her own mind. With her own mind filled with it, she attempted to "push" the feeling from herself to him. If her theory was right, she might not only be able to experience what others were feeling, but maybe actually be able to put the power to use and make others feel as she did. Alexis hade no clue if this would work, and used her fear that it wouldn't as fuel to give to the boy. If everything did go right, this would make him at least feel the need to run and not want to talk about the situation. [hr] [Center]Ehster[/center] Ehster was knocked to the ground violently as he rounded the corner. Out of instinct he closed his eyes and put out his arms, not in an attempt to catch himself but instead to block an assaualt of fists and feet. When this assault did not come, and he heard the sound of a man talking to him, he opened his eyes and let his arms down, checking to see who it was that had knocked him over. Much to Ehster's surprise, the man now apologizing and offering to help was Vincent Murry, one of the more popular kids in the academy. Ehster's heart was racing due to his previous assumption he was about to get beaten, and he knew the sweat on his palms would affect Vincent. Quickly rubbing his right hand on his school pants, Ehster reached out and grabbed Vincent's outstretched hand. He pulled himself up with an added push against the ground, trying to get the contact over with as quickly as possible. Once standing again, Ehster let go of Vincent, hoping he wouldn't be too affected from his body's drug. "U-um.. thank you for helping me back up, I appreciate it." Ehster kicked at the dirt beneath his foot, an old nervous habit. He wasn't used to being treated normally by many people, nevermind popular ones. "I'll be alright, by the way. What about you though? Are you feeling okay?" Ehster was less concerned with Vincent's physical well-being than he was the effect his drug was having.