WAR! The year is 1808. Europe is a continent awash in blood! The automaton armies of Napoleon Bonaparte have marched across the continent for nearly a decade, burning and butchering soldier and civilian beneath their mechanical heels. The tactics of the Prussians, the political maneuverings of the Austrians, and the mass of human might that is the Russian Empire have all met defeat at Napoleon's hands. Only Britain has not felt the scourge of war upon its shores, thanks to the Royal Navy's victory in the skies over Trafalgar only two years ago. While the Emperor of France is trapped on the continent England is safe, but the coalition of kings the British Crown has kept together is beginning to fray beneath the constant defeats... Entering the skies over the English Channel is the Pegasus, a newly completed Brig added to the English air fleet. She lacks the firepower of the great HMS Victory and other Man o' Wars that duel in the skies across the world, but her new iron sides and heavy sails make her a quick and enduring vessel added to the navy. Her mission... none of the crew knows for certain. They are heading north-east, but no one aboard knows where exactly they're going. To Prussia? Denmark? Norway? Moscow? Or to the heart of the dreaded French Empire itself- Paris? Only the captain knows, and he isn't talking... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before the Industrial Revolution, Europe was awash in supernatural creatures. Humans, werewolves, banshees, faeries, vampires and other creatures fought one another after the collapse of Rome. With the coming of gunpowder and steam, humans have successfully tamed the wild things, driving many to the New World of the Americas after the Crusades and Reconquistas that exterminated the Centaurs, Djinn and many other magical races. This alternate timeline shares a lot in common with the historical Napoleonic wars, though Napoleon's armies are mostly made up of automaton machines driven by coal and steam. While England has kept dominance of the skies with the Royal Navy, the war on land is going even worse than ever. Unable to beat the French in battle, England has blockaded the French skies, keeping American coal from supplying the Emperor's endless armies. Now, Napoleon is literally and figuratively running out of steam. The newspapers in London say that by the end of the year, the French armies may collapse. If the allied armies don't collapse first. The Pegasus is a newly commissioned brig, an iron-side of the American model, with 28 guns not counting the swivel-mounted Gatling guns on her forecastle and crow's nest. Aside from a small complement of automaton marines, she has a sentient (though not completely human) crew. She is equipped with a small underside bay for landing craft and a trio of experimental "fighter" craft. Capable of making extraordinary speed on the high winds, she is fast as a sloop and sturdy as a frigate- a new breed of vessel for the Royal Navy's future. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following positions are open on board the ship. I'm taking the position of Captain by default to keep the overall plot going, but please rest assured that the plot will be driven equally by you, the writers. I will determine where we are going. YOU will determine how and in what shape we get there! Positions marked with a * can be NPC'd. You are welcome to take them, but the other positions may offer more opportunities for interaction. Captain - Sir Michael Bardsen First Mate - Gunnery Officer(s) - Doctor - Nurse* - Navigator/Helmsman - Engineer - Magician - (Engineer's assistant) Gunners* - Scout/Landing party* - Chef* - Fighter pilot* - ----------------------------------------------------- Name: Age: Occupation: Biography: Weapon of choice: Orientation/Relationship Status: Audition: (Please write a short, 1-3 paragraph audition explaining how your character found themselves boarding the Pegasus and under what circumstances- are they a career sailor, a military officer, or an impressed (drafted) crewman?)