[hr][h1][i][color=Orangered]Maxine Mariah Carter[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Alan Hawke][/sub][hr] She tried bribing him, she tried talking him out of it, she tried intimidating him. Looks like this dumb ass doesn't know what he's [i]really[/i] dealing with. Because this is what wrong with kids these days, they feel like they're fuckin' invincible, and everything is their business. [i]If[/i] she was [i]really[/i] ruthless, then she would just shoot his ass and walk away like she didn't see anything. Maxine wouldn't take it as far as [i]killing[/i] him, but she didn't have a problem with beating his ass right up into retardation. First mistake hero-boy made was not backing up.... In a swift movement, Maxine shot out her knee towards, well, his penis. Really, really, [i]really[/i] hard. She wanted to shoot his balls right into his stomach. She's done this before, and unless he was expecting it (and trained), then it would definitely catch him off guard.