Varric wasted no time in responding. Petals swirled around his head, and he suddenly had Aldric's face and voice. [color=9e0b0f]"Guys, quick, look at how dark and brooding I am. Now, I'm gonna let my personal feelings possibly kill Alixanna, then walk off feeling all superior,"[/color] Varric said, before dispelling the illusion and speaking with his own voice, [color=007236]"Regardless, we don't know what's in the woods, and he shouldn't go alone. Guinevere, my sweet,"[/color] Varric winked, before giving her puppy dog eyes, [color=007236]"Protect the deep and brooding ranger while he goes in the woods to be all deep and brooding. I'll see if I can find some other back up. Good luck finding Alix, guys. And stay safe!"[/color] Varric forced a grin, before walking away. He took a deep breath, face red with anger and embarrassment. He was honestly hurt. He'd always had a feeling Aldric didn't like him much, which he'd been okay with! It was impossible to have everyone love you, after all. But he hadn't thought Aldric's opinion of him was so low that the ranger thought he'd be a liability! Varric took a brief moment to wonder how he could have given the ranger the impression that he was dangerous even as an ally. He quickly thought of the bandit scenario a few years back, when Varric had almost died seeking out bandits alone. He'd gotten captured by bandits, but managed to outsmart them and convince them he was the mayor's daughter, and that if they contacted him he'd give them a ransom. Instead, the mayor arrived with Guinevere and Varric's mum, and, well... The mayor didn't give them money. Varric decided that must be it. Aldric probably thought Varric was still a loose cannon. Which, Varric honestly understood, even though he was hurt. [color=007236]"Well, whatever,"[/color] Varric muttered. [color=007236]Step One: [s]Aldric's a stupid face[/s] Find [s]Guinevere[/s] Ezra![/color]