Angus spent most of his class in silence do his insanely powerful breath that could blast apart the entire classroom if he didn't stay in control. Once the bell rang he got up out of his seat and picked up his things. As he left the class he heard other students whisper about his recent silence and make jokes about him being too ashamed of his southern heritage to speak anymore. This made him clench his fists in anger and he was tempted to exhale in front of them and blast them away, but he chose against such an action. He left the building and headed for the dorm and noticed what looked like some disagreement between students. He stood and watched them. He then noticed one went on the attack and Angus charged at Maxine Carter attempting to hit her like a football tackler. He didn't exactly know the situation, but assault was assault and he wouldn't be a bystander. [@Mr Allen J][@Alan Hawke]