Avery sighed and looked at the bag, trying to decide if she should tell him or not. Then she said "its part of a relic that brings luck to those who own it. But that luck comes at a price. Loss of things they hold most dear...followed by madness and despair..." She opened the back and pulled out a piece of black crystal and said "its called Black Jade, or Shadow Jade. It holds a dark power within it...and when the relic is together as a whole...its power will be great enough to change the course of many lives..." She put the piece back in the bag. "Which is why I have to find the pieces first and make sure no one ever finds them again..." She put the bag in her pocket and flinched a little. She held her side and added "Guess not everything healed...guess Bane had a point. Only my wounds I receive in my demon state heal fast. Other wounds don't heal on their own while I'm out of that state..." she lowered her head, her face twitching in pain.