Arienne mentally went through Askalaphos' capabilities and reviewed the information on her Beam Claymore and ECM Cloaking system. Only one of them could be active at once and Arienne was fine with this. Activating her claymore, she did a few practice swings before going through her forms, testing the flexibility and range of motion Askalaphos had. After that, listening to Pharazon, she started flying around at top speed, making sudden and harsh turns and stops, all the while swinging her weapon in practice for rapid disarming and executions. Switching over to her cloaking (thus turning off the claymore), Arienne flew about equidistant between Boom and Farfalla. "Hey Corina, Chie. I'm testing Askalaphos' cloaking system right now. Do you still see me? I'm right between the two of you."