[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmN2UyNC5UV2xzYkdWeUlGZGxiR3h6LjA,/krugmann-brush.regular.png[/img] Tagged; [@Viscerous] - Ehster, [@GummyCat] - Vincent, Throughout the class, Miller's hand was shaking- no vibrating, to the point where his hand looked [i]blurred[/i]. With a worried expression he tried hard to conceal his trembling hand. [i][color=#FE9A2E]What- What's happening to my hand.[/color][/i] he thought anxiously. His hand physically passed through his English book, and with widened eyes he swiftly removed it. [i][color=#FE9A2E]I- I've heard of this, I thought it was just theory. Atoms lining up directly to phase through physical objects, but you would need inhumane speed to accomplish it. I think it was called quantum tunneling...[/color][/i] he began recounting a theory he had read about once, looking down at his hand. "Mr. Wells, is there something more interesting in your desk than this lesson?" the teacher asked, [color=#FE9A2E]"N- No sir."[/color] he replied with a bead of sweat running down his face. The lesson continued for thirty more minutes until the bell rang, to which Miller slung his bag over his shoulder and placed his quivering hand in his pocket. Quickly shuffling outside the class, and with sweat pouring down his face he made his way towards his dorm, that were given to all students. Breaking into a full on sprint, and his vision turning the hallway, the students and everything else into a blur of speed. He passed by some students who apparently bumped into each other, and how Miller was seeing this at his high speed, he didn't know, all he knows is that what followed his sprint was a strong gust of wind. Reaching the front of his door, he stopped and hurriedly fishing through his bag and grabbing his key and entering his dorm. He placed his back against his door, and slid down on his door with his face resting on his hands. [color=#FE9A2E]"What is going on, did- did I just race from the class room and my dorm in around 40 seconds?"[/color] he said outloud, trying to assure that he wasn't dreaming or imagining anything. [color=#FE9A2E]"Is this like the comic books- The Red streak?"[/color] he continued, getting up and going to his fridge as he was peckish. Making a quick meal, he ate it at a quick pace, continuously pondering what has happened to him, all he knows is that he now- somehow has superspeed.