I'm quiting. Over the past year I never have been feeling like I have had a big presence in this rp. The 3 a 4 major people that have been making post that I enjoyed to reply too haven't continued their charachters or quited the rp which was a big downer for me. I haven't been feeling well either for the past month. Well to be exact never been feeling well for the past 2 years. Life keeps kicking me this whole time and I just don't feel like doing this anymore. The friends who supported me have all been looking away from me the past half year and now I slowly start bundle myself up. I have no one to properly talk too anymore and I just feel like I was better of not telling anyone about my problems. The mask that hid my true colors has finally fallen off my face. I'm unable to make a big show of it all anymore. I don't think I will be returning anytime soon and if everything keeps going downhill I might just wanna end it there. I have been a difficult person to deal with but still thank you for putting up with me all this time.