Selene's journey to the Capital had been one of swiftness and relative ease. Teleportation magic was highly advanced and required a group effort, but there was no shortage of skilled mages on the Lunar Isle. She had scoffed upon her arrival, finding herself in a wooded area a good distance from the Capital Gate. "All this power, with so little skill." she quipped to herself, and began to dream of the days where she alone could teleport herself anywhere at will - and with a good deal more precision than her Ancestors, it seemed. The walk to the Capital took her about thirty minutes. It would have taken any average person a great deal longer, but Selene floated effortlessly above the rich earth and her dainty legs did not tire. She had few belongings with her, save for an ancient-looking staff, emblazoned with icons of the moon and dripping with feather accessories, and a ridiculously large hat that covered her soft, entrancing features. It was typical of the Moonclan; even in old age, they seemed to enamour weaker-willed men without even trying. She pulled her tattered fur shawl around her; although it was a pleasantly warm day, the pale witch was cold. Selene arrived at the gates and waited in line until it was her turn to be addressed. The process was tiresome, but it was one she understood. They couldn't just have anyone walking into the Capital; there was bound to be someone who would abuse the apparent crisis that lay ahead. "State your name," ordered a guard. "Selene Miakoda." she replied, politely. The guard raised an eyebrow as he spotted the woman's feet hovering casually. "Miss, I am going to have to ask you to be grounded for the remainder of this exchange." he ordered. Selene frowned. "Sir, that won't be possible." she said, trying her best to remain pleasant. "My people are of the Moonclan. You may not have heard of us. We tend to keep to ourselves." she explained. "We inhabit the Lunar Isle in the far North. The one shaped like the moo--" "Enough!" the man barked, interrupting her. There was a pause as he scribbled something on the list. "You may pass. Next!" he called out, as Selene was ushered through the gates. As she proceeded, she paused briefly, noticing some sort of squabble erupting between another guard and an unknown man at another of the city's entry points. Selene shook her head. The Capital really did need to teach its guards how to behave respectfully... Especially in times like this. A friendlier representative of the Capital awaited her inside, and directed her to a vacant building in which she would be staying until the Realm Forum the following day. It was on the outskirts; away from the hustle-and-bustle of the city and was quite poorly looked after, but it didn't bother Selene too much. It was only for a night. The interior of the little house was quite bare, with a ladder leading upstairs to what she assumed would be a bedroom. Making herself at home, she proceeded to the kitchen area, and waved her hand in the direction of a nearby tea-set. It was cracked and dirty through neglect, but it didn't seem to affect its magickal conductivity as it leapt into the air and danced towards Selene. She smiled as the teapot filled itself with water and flew over to the fireplace, which ignited itself and began to boil away. She looked out the window as she waited, and watched a man be roughly escorted to the house opposite. It was the same man from before. Selene wondered, should she offer him tea? She had never seen a man in person before, but since coming to the Capital she had seen many. Their features were shape and angled, their hair unkempt, their voices deep. Selene would almost be intimidated if she didn't know what she herself was capable of. A cup of fresh tea landed in her hands. She sipped from it and smiled. The man across the road could make his own tea.