Bjoric woke with a snort at the sound of Sana screaming as she was being dragged by the zombie. He began reaching around for his hammer but found it missing and that he was now in a cage. As everyone began screaming at the zombie, Hugh especially, Bjoric reached under his shirt (now finding that his armor was gone too) to pull forth his second holly symbol. But by the time he had it free of his clothes, Sana has been dragged through the door. "GRAH!" Bjoric shouted in frustration and kicked at the metal cage, the old but thick bars barely shaking. That's when he heard Hugh break the bars to his cage after sounding as if he'd gone mad. Hugh grabbed Ellis' pack and threw it to the halfling, telling him to free the other before charging through the door after Sana. Bjoric could hear him shouting like a madman as he charged, his screaming almost blocking the sounds of heavy crashes bones breaking. "Ellis, that maniac is going to need my help. Be quick!" He could hear Hugh pummeling the undead, but if what he suspected was here... [i]Moradin help us.[/i]