Adelisa nodded slowly as the man spoke, knowing the full extent of the situation. Dracula had always been known as bad news. Rumors spread of his existence in another vampire, but until now it has all been rumors. She looked over at the warm blood and closed her eyes. She knew her place at this meeting, so she kept her mouth closed. It wasn't polite to talk out of turn, but she wondered what they already attempted. Maybe it was under their noses the whole time and they just couldn't see it? Or maybe it is a journey only a hero will take? Adelisa drank some of the whiskey Alistair suggested. It definitely did its job, but Adelisa would not drink more. Alcohol, though she was a vampire, lowered inhibitions and made Adelisa feel uneasy. Feeling more uncomfortable in a situation she had a lack of comfort in already would have made the meeting unbearable. Her soft blue eyes landed on Alistair, wondering what he thought of all this.