Bjoric took the hammer from Ellis, he didn't have time to don his armor. He knelt with his hammer resting vertically in from of him, the head of the hammer at eye level. Bowing his head he began speaking in the ancient words of his people once more. [i]"Moradin, I ask that ye guide our hands against our foes, that their weapons may break upon our shields, that they may know your might through ours!"[/i] As he yelled out, he felt the wave of energy flow from the glowing symbol in the hammer wash over him and flow out in a wave, giving strength to the other while causing the undead in the corridor to falter. Ellis had finished releasing the others and ran to join Hugh, stabbing one of the undead the Hugh had broken, finishing it off. He moved to join them when he saw Vivian stumble from her cage. She asked if Ellyn or the magus for help. He moved to her, "Here." placing his hand on her shoulder he spoke in ancient dwarven again. Warm healing energies flowed from his hand into her, he would have taken all her hurt away but the channeling of so much divine energy in the last twelve hours combined with the lack of sleep was beginning to wear on him. He helped her to her feet, saying "If ye plan on getting hit on the noggin again, ye should really get a helmet." With a wink he moved to the doorway. Hugh had done a great deal of damage, crushed skeletons and zombies lay strewn about the floor with what fluids remained spilled out onto the floor creating a suffocating stench. Hughs armor seemed to be appearing back on him and Bjoric knew what it meant, but the hallway was too wide for him to hold it on his own, he was in danger of being surrounded. Fighting through them was going to take too long and Sana would likely be dead by the time they reached her. Bjoric stomped into the hallway, bone and gore crunching under his heavy feet. He took a breath, focusing on the mass of undead before him, he poured all of his will into a single word. Thrusting his hammer before him he bellowed "BEGONE!" A bright flare of energy poured out from his hammer once more, cutting into the undead. Those that lay broken on the ground and some of the more damaged ones still standing were burned to ash, the others that could screamed in agony while they fled, those who could not flee cowered from the light. As the light faded Bjoric suddenly felt dizzy. "Shouldn't have done that. I should not have..." Feeling his strength leave him he sank to one knee dropping his hammer, the wall being the only thing keeping him from collapsing.