[@Eklispe][@floodtalon][@Slendy][@BranchOfSin] Reina sighed. Still not looking at Cornelia, the archmage spoke with slight irritation in her voice, her patience being tried. [color=silver]"It's not arrogance if my pride is warranted. Stay your hand, girl, you are wouldn't even be a warm up for me, and that is simple, logical, truth."[/color] The silver haired mage truly did not see Cornelia as a threat. Looking at Luciferon conversing with Chase, Reina had to narrow her eyes. She hated demons more than anyone, and if it weren't for the fact that Chase had called this fight hers, she would have already exorcised him from Deus's body. Still, as she used magic to listen in on their conversation, Reina's mouth quirked up into a small smile. The demon had no idea who he was talking to. If he had been in contact with any demonic forces in recent years, then he would know exactly who Chase was and what she did, and he would have been more careful around her. As it was, with his appearance, the sanctity of the duel was very nearly violated. Just a little more, and Chase would be forced to unleash her full strength . . . When that point came, it was bye-bye to the demon. [hr] Chase rolled her eyes at Luciferons tone. If he was trying to intimidate her, it wasn't working. Powerful demon though he was, he was still a being that operated on the logic of this reality - not something that Chase even bothered to fight anymore, let alone fear. He was nothing compared to madness inducing omnipresence of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yog-Sothoth]Yog-Sothoth[/url] or the the majestic evil that was [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shub-Niggurath]Shub-Niggurath[/url]. And finally, as her thoughts settled on the last of her eternal foes, Chase shuddered. [color=gold][i]Nothing will ever frighten me again, not after I've encountered that[/i] thing.[/color] The greatest and most terrifying of her enemies, who ruled over the Outer Gods with a stupidity bordering on exotic genius: [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azathoth]Azathoth.[/url] The short archmage was shaken from her thoughts as the Caliburn appeared in Luciferon's hand. Huh, she was wondering where that had gone. Well, it wasn't a problem; he might have Caliburn, but she had Garm and Gungnir. Chase frowned, however, upon remembering that Excalibur and Gae Bolg were in Reina's possession, among other treasures. Chase held her breath as Sols vacuum activated. A smart move, on his part, but like Ryan's light, it was ineffective. Chase had fought long enough to realize that her fights used up oxygen faster than she needed. Replacing the air around her was trivial, not to mention her explosions pushed away the vacuum. As for Ryan's light, she grinned and waved at him. Compared to light from her explosions, what comparison was there? Suddenly, she felt Marcus's spell link them together, and the edge of her lips quirked up in shocked respect. This kid was either gutsy, or suicidal. [color=gold]"Very well, let's have it your way!"[/color] Seeing all of them prepare for their next move, and taking into consideration Marcus spell, Chase decided to simply blow everything up! Pointing skywards, a white sun appeared right beside the yellow one. On closer inspection, it seemed to be getting bigger rapidly. [color=gold]"Stop this, young Marcus, and you'll have earned my respect!"[/color] Meruin paled beside Ryan. Oh, wow, she hasn't seen that spell yet. This could be bad. "I'll have to hurry this up!" she said through gritted teeth. Her spell began circulating faster as Meruin did something she constantly tried to avoid doing: rushing her spells.