The figure moved in front of Seto, pulling another card from their deck. "Don't worry...this is just a small problem..." They held up the card and said "I summon the King's Guard" A soldier in gold armor appeared and yelled, charging the ninja. Mokuba took a deep breathe, feeling a bit better. He nodded and pulled the deck out. "Ya, I do..." He flipped thru the deck and found the card glowing. It was Blue Eyes White Dragon, glowing brightly. Suddenly Yugi's deck glowed and Dark Magician appeared, looking at the three. "You three must hurry. Master Seto is heading to the control room with a unknown figure. I sense not only a dark force here, but a old magic that I have not felt for many years..." Yugi nodded and said "Let's go" The figure pulled Seto's arm over their shoulders, panting softly. "We are almost there. just need are you holding up?" Just then the ninja exploded and the soldier vanished. Then the Hound summoned before came running, rubbing his head on the figures arm. The figure nodded and helped Kaiba toward the second floor, following the signs.