[color=9e005d]“You ready for this big brother? I suppose we'll see who really is the better sibling”[/color] Alaska stated with confidence when she picked up her piece of paper. [color=004b80]“Indeed we will, just don’t start crying when you end up on the floor.”[/color] They both readied up Wash already knew his plan of action before the round had begun, he understood that Alaska was a good fighter; after all he had helped train her, He knew all her flaws she was too aggressive too upfront, if Wash went on the defensive the chances of his success would be increased 10 fold. Alaska followed Wash’s judgement to the letter. Her plan was to run full out and tackle him to the floor; an opponent is at his weakest when he was on the floor. The round began and the buzzer sounded Alaska sprinted at Wash. Her shoulders hit his chest with force knocking him flat on his back. Wash wasn’t the lightest guy in the galaxy, and landed with a thud that could be heard all across the training floor. Wash was taken by surprise by Alaska’s strength and courage. Alaska got up first and tried to pin him down, sitting on his chest, she got two glancing punches on his chest before Wash pushed her off. Both opponents squared up again. Wash broke up the confrontation; he moved forward and launched a volley of punches at Alaska. He aimed for the chest then moved his target to her head. His fast firing shots winded Alaska causing her to drop her guard he then launched one final punch to her head causing her to stagger backwards. Alaska was out of it she was worn out and losing hard. She dropped down to one knee in order to regain her strength, but there was no way in hell she was going to lose to her brother. She recovered and got back up. And fronted up to wash she started her wave of attacks the first couple were dodged within seconds of being thrown and the last one was caught and pushed backwards causing her topple over. Wash knew that if he had applied anymore pressure he would’ve dislocated her shoulder, which was not something he wanted to do, it may have been a fight but she was still his team mate Alaska on the other hand didn’t share his view. She was going to win no matter what it took. She rose back up with more determination than before. She rolled her shoulders and took a deep breath. She took off her helmet and threw it to the side. She spat out some blood and continued the fight. She ran forward towards Wash, catching him off guard. Alaska hit him multiple times in the chest. Wash was taken aback by Alaska’s sudden attack and couldn’t dodge any of her attacks. Her punches were weak but they were fast she managed to get quite a few in before he kicked her away. Wash was worn out, but he could still go on, he had always had this sort of drive it was genetic both siblings felt a yearning to beat one another. [color=004b80]“C’mon then sis,”[/color] he paused to take off his helmet [color=004b80]“Let’s see what I’ve been missing out on.”[/color] He threw his helmet to the side. And Alaska followed suit. [color=9e005d]“Why don’t you come here and find out?”[/color] Wash moved up to her and attacked by throwing 4 punches at her head, all of them blocked by her arm. Once the punches were deflected Alaska struck him in the groin with her leg causing him to double over. She then slammed her elbow down on his head. [color=9e005d]“Had enough yet?”[/color] She asked with a smirk. Wash spat out some blood and didn’t reply, he wasn’t the most acrobatic but he had a few tricks up his sleeve. He ran straight towards her and jumped over her grabbing her shoulders to propel him over her. Once over the landing he then grabbed her neck and pulled it down to the ground slamming her down with all his force. She quickly got back up, she was losing her strength quickly she tried to kick at wash’s side but it was slow and Wash caught it mid-air with her foot in hand he spun it around dislocating the hip. She fell back with a scream. Wash lay on her and the timer ticked down from 5. Zero sounded and he got up. He put out his hand towards her. Her competitive instinct told her to leave it, but at her heart she knew he was going to help her. She grabbed it. Wash pulled her up allowing her to share the weight. [color=004b80]“I’m… I’m sorry about that; I don’t know what came over me.”[/color] Alaska was spiteful she had lost, she had poured everything into that fight, and yet she found no victory. Wash didn’t want the medical teams to get wind of what he’d done. He had a feeling that they were being watched of course, that observation room was so ominous. He moved Alaska to a nearby bench and sat her down. [color=004b80]"I’ve only done this once or twice so uhhm, this is probably going to hurt Okay?”[/color] She only nodded. Wash went to her hip it wasn’t one of the worst dislocations he’d seen. He popped the joint back into position. [color=004b80]“There, see that wasn't so bad was it?”[/color] He went to grab their helmets and he sat down next to her. Neither sibling spoke to another whilst they waited for North and Iowa.