Sol grunted, a sun? Really? Well he already had contingency plan if case the others didn't think of anything fast enough so he decided that he would distracting Chase would be best, heck, he might get lucky and scratch her. Simply activating a rune some distance to the left of her he appeared there using his wind magic to create little platforms under his feet, allowing him the same, if not more mobility then when on the ground, in addition he covered his whole body in swirling winds the at least partially dissipated the vicious heat from above. Relentless assault would be best to to have any hope of landing an attack. His attacks didn't have to be strong, just numerous and powerful enough to scratch her skin, so as long as she didn't have some sort of protection it should be easy right? He charged forward using his wind magic to enhance the length of his sword to nearly double and stabbing directly at Chase's midsection. He watched her carefully ready to change tactics at any moment.[@TheHangedMan]