[b][I]“They’re easier to make fun of when they’re not inside your head…” [/i] [/b] ...Well now. That description would've fitted the Yeerks too. Outside your head, they're powerless slugs. Inside of it, you're the powerless one... Simon couln't help but shudder. As little as he wanted to think about the monsters, his mind kept returning to it. Luckily for Simon, Daniel provided a distraction in the form of some questions and comments. "Wait, I thought we 'lost the rest of the group' because you locked the first door behind us?," Simon answered Daniel's non-question. "It's kind of hard to follow someone if there's a locked door between you and whoever you wanted to follow. Not to mention you pretty much told everyone to split up..." He shrugged. "Anyway, to answer your actual question, let's go through that door," he pointed at one of the doors at random.