[h1]Voxx: The Cooking Goblin[/h1] GENDER - Male APPEARANCE - Aside from being 4'1'', green skinned, and having large pointy ears, Voxx has a small earring in his right ear, a rather large nose, a constant smirk upon his face, and is ridiculously bald atop his head. His facial hair grows only to what those would call a five-o'clock-shadow-all-day. PERSONALITY - Voxx is charismatic, curious, stealthy, cunning, and always scheming. He wants to acquire fame and fortune, and will do anything to do so. He is also a dirty fighter as he'd rather slit your throat whilst you're asleep than fight fair. However, he is loyal to a fault to his fellow goblins and will do most anything to help and ensure their survival. SUMMARY OF PAST LIFE - In his past life, Voxx was training to be a chef. He wasn't particularly special or good but he was able to get a job at a five-star restaurant. The place was eventually robbed and he was shot during the robbery. SKILL - Voxx has the innate ability to cook most anything, make it taste alright (subjective), without the need for a recipe, and can do so with strange ingredients. (Will add more as the role play happens)