Alright, here he is. I noticed a lot of people were going for affinities too, so I tried to go with something a little more power-based. Wasn't sure what the limits were, so let me know if it needs tweaking. ------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Trek [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] He appears pretty much the same as any other goblin, with the exception of ever-so-slightly darker skin. He's got bright yellow eyes. [b]Personality:[/b] Naturally he'd have been a pretty calm, quiet person; not being too fazed by a lot of things, probably a healthy amount of self-esteem, actually willing to participate in activities, the kind of "I'll only speak when I've got something to say" type, y'know. But, having that constant fear of spontaneous combustion just makes him (justifiably) really anxious and jittery. He firmly believes that it'll screw him over or outright kill him (not to mention it just being painful), and given that it can be triggered (for example, if he's more on-edge than usual, and something spooks him, he could light up), he doesn't like to do things. He doesn't want to hurt people (self-defense aside), or set fire to buildings, and he knows very well that he poses that danger. I guess to sum it up, he'd think "I could seriously hurt people, so I'd rather sit here and not take the chance." A little misguided, but his heart's in the right place. [b]Past Life History:[/b] He was actually a pretty outgoing guy in his past life. Fire had always soothed him, there was just something mesmerizing about it. He loved camping, barbeques, beach bonfires at sundown, you name it. He was social, and often got friends together for those kinds of activities, though he was a bit of a straight arrow. Unfortunately, on his way to work one day, he was turning when his car was broadsided by a man who was speeding down the other road and tried to run the light. Both of them were killed in the crash. [b]Skill:[/b] He's got a fire affinity, able to light himself on fire on command. Unfortunately, his degree of control is still rather weak, and this [i]does[/i] actually burn him. He can only ignite his hands at will. Other parts of his body have proven to ignite as well, though he can't force it to happen. They're random, unintentional, and 99% of the time unwanted. The injuries to himself never seem to be [i]horrible[/i], so he must have at least a slight natural resistance as well, though they're obviously still unpleasant enough to cover up. [b]Other:[/b] Will slowly become more burnt by his powers, and he'll start covering up the wounds in bandages.