[quote=@Jangel13] [@Moonlit Sonata] Don't worry I'll be better in the ic am I approved to move my CS into the character tab? [/quote] Yes, you may. [@Exodus] I'll have to say no to the bandages. That doesn't really fit in with the logic of the universe. How's a Goblin going to be born wearing bandages? Are they a part of him? It's weird. Also, like I said before, I don't want any links to the past life outside of the Skill. You can come out with some birthmarks that look like burns, and maybe something small (I was a little iffy on allowing an earring, but it wasn't a big deal so I let it slide), but not bandages. On the personality, I'm not really getting a whole lot here. I get that he's on the edge (of glory), but that's about it. Explain a little bit more about how he thinks/acts/feels, please. The Skill is fine, but [quote]Other parts of his body have proven to ignite as well, though he can't force it to happen. They're random, unintentional, and 99% of the time unwanted.[/quote] Just FYI, every time you activate your power, I'll roll a 1d100 to decide if another random part lights up. [quote]Other: He's got a high threshhold for pain at this point.[/quote] He doesn't, though. Remember what I said in the CS? [quote]Considering you won't remember any of this, "growth" that occurred during your past life won't be present, hence why you're a blank slate. If you had a traumatic experience and became afraid of the dark, you won't have that trauma here. If you were born afraid of the dark, though, then you will.[/quote] So his pain tolerance is going to be reset. He's like a baby now. Nothing from his past life has been retained at all in that sense.