Humans are currently trying to deal with a disaster of their own making. To the east nestled in a cove of mountains is a sprawling city called Ridovia. Many of its buildings stood five to seven stories tall. At one point claiming a population over ten thousand. Styled under heavy Victorian designs, Ridovia encircles the founding building at its center. A church of light for the hopeful. Now just a mockery of the faith people once had. It was only 60 years ago when people started disappearing from the streets. Soon a curfew was implemented to safe guard the populace. The royalty said it was their doing to decrease crime by relocating the beggars and vagabonds to the outskirts of the realm. No one questioned until it was too late. Eventually good people were disappearing in the night. The cry went to the royalty, again they lied. Some people left of their own volition. None of them made it very far. The darkness seemed to last longer as shadow fell over the city. Griped in fear the residents stayed in there homes. The local guard too drunk to feel fear did nothing. Anyone who left the safety of there homes never returned. Even the sun abandoned them to their fate. Huddled together in the dark. Their numbers shrank further, until finally during the second month of darkness the city Ridovia became silent. The forest gathered at the coves opening. Now the remaining residents are forever changed. The wild started to over take the outskirts and some of the buildings became dark green hills after the structure gave in to the weight of the over growth. The Capitals dispatched small groups of riders at first to find out why Ridovia went silent. None of those riders ever returned. Public out cry for knowledge of lost families caused one Of the capitals to send a squad of warriors to find the answer. Out of 80 only one returned. Before succumbing to his wounds he gave account to the fate of Ridovia. Dead, Cursed, plagued, infested with all manner of evil. Even the forest outside the cities gates was twisted and dark. The whole city was a den of undead. After emerging from the forest they saw the streets were covered in the dried blood of the innocence. Some of the buildings were burned to the ground while others were in a state of decay. We were not there long before the dead came. As the front line fought for their very souls he beheld a vision of pure evil. A woman dressed in the very darkness of the city. She descended into the fray crushing helmets and the skull inside with nothing but her hand. She pulled the very souls from the fallen. This was his final report. It is said that after he died the mans body was purified by fire. The capitals sent a proclamation that travel to Ridovia was forbidden. Anyone claiming to hail from that city was to be denied entry under punishment of being sealed in a gibbet for the remainder of their lives. All mention of the city was erased from the history of man. Mothers tell unruly children to behave or they will be sent to live with their uncle in the cursed city. [hider=Ridovia] [img][/img] [/hider]