[center][img]https://vgboxart.com/resources/logo/2252_thor-prev.png[/img][/center] Thor held up the structure for as long as she could, the growing piles of rubble around her made it hard to keep an eye on Miss America and the people trapped in what remained of the building, she couldn't see through all the debris, and had to hope that America had rescued most, if not all, of the people left inside the building. It wasn't an issue of Thor not being strong enough to hold the place up, she most certainly was able, it was more an issue of the building refusing to stay in one piece. There was only so much she could do. Suddenly a shrill cry from amidst the rubble pierced through her ear-drums. Whether America had finished her work with the surivivors or not, Thor had to abandon her post, she slipped out from under the collapsing ceiling, a large chunk crashing down instantly, and she dug through a pile of rubble where the noise had come from, pulling out a child, as delicately as she could, though the shaking building meant she had to move more swiftly than delicately. The kid wriggled and screamed, seriously injured but alive, thanks to Thor pulling her out. The first of the charges detonated and Thor knew the building was lost, her position was lost, she just had to get out, and hope America had made it out alive and that there was no one else left in the building. She curled her arm around the frightened child, tucking the kid as closely to her as she could without crushing the small Midgardian. Carrying a small child would make escaping significantly more tricky, as Thor was content to just throw herself out, knocking out a wall with ease, she couldn't risk the child getting hurt though, but with no other choice, she had to take the risk. She knocked out a chunk of the wall, making an exit for herself and the child, though there was a significant drop, this would be the trickiest part of all. She fell, from about the 4th floor, bracing herself for a landing, if she couldn't stay on her feet, she'd risk crushing the child under her greater weight. The explosion behind her only served to push her further away from the building, force pushing her fast and faster through the air. Finally she hit the ground, knees bent to stick the landing and she stayed up right for the initial contact of feet-meet-soil, seconds later she fell forward, momentum from the fall pushing her forward but she threw out her right arm and managed to keep herself and the child safe, in one piece. She exhaled in relief, it had been incredibly risky and close, she child clung desperately to her, howling in pain, the poor young human probably had crushed legs, though Thor hadn't a moment to assess the childs injuries during their escape. Pulling herself back up she passed the child to a medical crew who were in the process of treating patients and moving patients away from the building. Thor turned to look at the gutted building, it was already half demolished, charges detonated, only a few portions of the building remained, and they too were crumbling inward. Thor was catching her breath when Wilson appeared. He introduced himself, though Thor was surprised, he seemed calm amongst the chaos which was unusual behaviour from what she had seen. Regardless, she played along. [b]"Tara Olsen"[/b] she replied, she raised an eyebrow at the mention of questions. This guy was most unusual and she was wary, she wished Dwight were here, he knew how to deal with Midgardians and their protocols and questioning tactics, she was a battle maiden ... a Goddess of Asgard, this was not her field. [b]"There is not much I can tell you, I know not what happened to the beast"[/b] she said warily. Dwight warned her to play her cards close to her chest, to never give up information easily for her own safety. Although her actions today blew her cover somewhat there was much about her that no one knew, and with any luck, she could return to anonymity. Right now she just wanted to return to her apartment, or even to the coffee shop to find Dwight, he'd know what to do. [b]"Captain, I hate to be rude but, might I excuse myself briefly, return to my apartment and change into something unspoiled? Then I will answer any of your questions."[/b] She said, glancing down at her torn and muddy clothes, hopefully she could find Dwight on the way and explain the situation, he could tell her what to say and what not to say. He'd know what this Wilson fellow would want to know right?