[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/script-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Races%20of%20Adelon&name=BilboSwashCaps-Regular.ttf&size=60&style_color=15C4DB[/img][/url][/center] Some races have slight advantages over others in certain domains, but by large any race can accomplish any feat. Certain races like the Divined may be more magically able to begin with, or Dimurans may be slightly more able in combat. Feel free to ask about more lore for a race, or expand on their lore yourself - just run it by me first! [hider=Mura] Depending on who you ask, Murans are the progenitors of every other race. There is of course absolutely no factual evidence to support this claim, but some Murans hold to it. The most adaptable of races in terms of population dispersion, they live in every corner of the kingdom, both in small settlements and sprawling cities. The royal family is Muran, being the bloodline of Maximillian Adelon. For what they lack in physical power they make up for in ingenuity, creating many of the technologies the world uses today. Murans are also responsible for creating the broad category of machinery known as [b][u]Machina[/u][/b] - a broad grouping of humanoid and advanced mechanisms. [/hider] [hider=Divined] Modern scholars are uncertain of where Divined originated from, or if they are even of this world. All are in agreement however that their race are indisputably the most magically inclined. They are credited with many things due to their magical affinity, among these being responsible for introducing other races to magic. With a natural talent for magic they rarely if ever make use of Demacite, though they do hold a large stake in its trade thanks to natural deposits near their homelands. Unlike other races which had in part moved into Adelon's inner reaches, the Divined have always kept to their places of origin. Recent conflict with the Church has made these normally reclusive peoples grow even more solitary, rarely ever seen in public aside from the few merchants whom visit the cities.[/hider] [hider=Dimura] Born and raised in the fiery reaches of Adelon, the Dimura are a half-breed of Dragons and Mura. Philosophers theorize Dimurans are descendants of early Murans who were exposed to high concentration of fire-aspected magic and evolved to resist it, which may also explain their natural alignment to fire itself, given their immediate proximity to it. Their scales are known to help reflect and protect their bodies from the high heat of their native lands, and some have developed wings to access some of the massive peaks that dot the landscape. Small in number mostly due to their tendency to go to war with just about anything, themselves included, they are as respected for their prowess in combat as well feared. Despite their combat abilities they are often times made jokes of by other races. Often stereotyped as simple and slow-witted, by Murans in particular, most Dimurans within the inner cities hold physical labor jobs - it is rare to see a Dimuran in a position of prominence outside of their clans.[/hider] [hider=Varuna] Where the Dimura took to volcanoes and fiery chasms for their home, Varuna sought their shelter in the oceans that engulf nearly half of Adelon. Their progenitors are thought to be sea-faring people who, over time, learned to call the ocean itself their home. As they developed gills and the ability to live beneath the surface their skin changed, adopting a more blue or green hue to hide themselves in the water and away from predators within. Their appendages are generally webbed and deceptively strong, making them agile while swimming in the water. Though their peoples call the sea home not all Varuna remain there. As races began to intermingle and cities sprouted up Varuna too moved inland, living among the others by way of breathing apparatuses. Those who live among the waves are some of the kingdom's greatest fishermen - and the most loathsome of pirates. Varuna living on land are just as prone to piracy, but most make their living as deckhands, captains and navigators of Adelon's many waterways.[/hider] [hider=Ydra] The Ydra are a nomadic race of hunter-gatherers. Originally hailing from Adelon's forests and the northern steppes, they like many other races have dispersed throughout the kingdom. While many remain among the wilds there are just as many among the settlements and cities. Having been so close to nature for so long, Ydrans are particularly sensitive to the energies around them. This connection to the world gives them the second highest rate of Magi behind only the Divined. However, the Ydra have a smaller population than the Mura, therefore finding an Ydra Magi can prove difficult. Very similar to Mura aside from their more angular features, typically a light hair color and pointed ears. Their ties to nature make them exceptionally skilled tamers and breeders, giving them great value among those who work with animals, and even among the cities. [/hider] [hider= Naga] The Naga are the newest race to join the lands of Adelon. Having only begun migrating to the kingdom within the last few decades, they are still seen as an uncertainty by many. Naga have had an increasingly difficult time adapting to the customs of the kingdom and its laws, and the Church's reluctance to fully welcome them as citizens as opposed to refugees leaves them open to discrimination. Within cities they are often shunned and at times even openly beaten, with many establishments refusing to serve what they deem "thieves" and "leeches". In some regards these harsh labels are not without merit - many Naga have been forced to take to unsavory lifestyles to make ends meet. In appearance they are humanoid-serpents: their torsos and heads resemble Muran features, though they have scales in place of skin, and their facial features resemble that of snakes. Their lower bodies are more that of a serpent, with their entire body being covered in scales and often sporting a variety of patterns and colors.[/hider]