[b][i]Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia, Lynda "Lyn" Hermit and Agni Blackheart & Cerberus Location: Boys' Dormitory - Cruz's Room[/i][/b] Before Lyn could return to her guard post, Agni and Cerberus quickly took Cruz back to his room. He was put on the bed by the hell hound. [color=92278f]"Are you feeling alright?"[/color], Agni asked. [color=39b54a]"Y-Yeah. Thanks."[/color], Cruz replied. Agni nodded and smiled. He never thought he would be forgiven, so this was a rather new experience. [color=92278f]"I guess I'll go talk to that student council member. I'll see if I can switch with those girls and look after you."[/color], Agni spoke. [color=39b54a]"There's no need for you to do that. I don't want to be a burden."[/color], Cruz tried to negate his wish. [color=a36209]"We insist, Sir Cruz. It is a way for us to fully redeem ourselves with you."[/color], Cerberus insisted. Although he was against it, he knew that there were no words to make them give up, so Cruz decided to stay quiet about that matter. [color=slategray]"Well, what do we have here?"[/color], a voice spoke from above. Lyn, who was sitting on a ceiling girder, jumped down. [color=slategray]"You two became buddies now or I'm mental?"[/color], she asked, smiling mischievously. [color=92278f]"-I-If we did, you got any problem?"[/color], Agni answered, returning to be bitter. [color=39b54a]"H-Hey, there's no need to be that bitter on her."[/color], Cruz said, but Agin still looked the same way to Lyn: with disdain. [color=ec008c]"Guuuuuuuuys!!"[/color], Pamela barged into the room already screaming. She saw that Agni was there. [color=ec008c]"Wait a minute, what are you doing here?! Get out!! Get out!!"[/color], she said, trying to pull him out. [color=39b54a]"Pamela, what happened? WHy did you came screaming like that?"[/color], Cruz asked, trying to stay on topic. [color=ec008c]"Oh, right! There's like an heck of a battle happening outside!! Those guys from the student council and some other students are fighting some two older women that appeared out of nowhere!!"[/color], she said. [color=slategray]"So, that feeling of being overwhelm by some kind of power wasn't just a single feeling... This is getting interesting."[/color] [color=92278f]"Where are they now?"[/color], Agni asked. [color=ec008c]"Why should I tell you?! The only thing you should do is not putting your nose into other's business!"[/color], Pamela answered rashly. [color=92278f]"We have no time for your bitching! We're already without Cruz, how do you expect to win without my help?!"[/color], he said. She noticed that his tone was of worriness and not blind rage. [color=slategray]"Alright, Pamela, you're taking us there."[/color], Lyn spoke. Pamela nodded and rushed to the corridor. Lyn immediately followed her and Agni followed the two. But before he left, he looked back to Cerberus and Cruz. [color=92278f]"Cerberus, take care of Cruz. Make sure he doesn't leave."[/color], Agni ordered. [color=a36209]"Yes, my master. Good luck on your side."[/color], Cerberus replied. Agni ran off following Lynda and Pamela.