That is actually an excellent question. I've tried where I and another play a 4 person student team by doubling up but it never really worked out. So at the moment I am picture more something along the lines of recently graduated hunters/esses working together on some mission thing and we can thicken the plot from there. Alternatively instead of being a team of students we could play a pair. It could be a combination 'we had an odd number of students this year/we are trying a new teaching program' cause that's a thing that happens in actually schools like all the time? And from there we can deal with our characters dynamic of being an equal partnership with no leader ( exasperated perhaps by the fact that both characters have a strong personality and had expected to be the clear choice of the leader of what ever team they were put on. ) and put together a bigger more intense plot undercurrent for them to deal with. But I am of course open to suggestions; did you have anything in mind?