Yeah, only sad part is I've only gone lucid twice. First experience lasted a minute because I was [b]way[/b] too excited. I kept screaming in all of my dream characters faces "I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!" without fully grounding myself in the dream first. Second time I read up on a bunch of stuff, and I got an awesome 10 minutes. Talked to people, ate an incredibly realistic tasting cheeseburger. Teleported myself to the beach and swam around, then gave myself gills to explore the ocean, which as I went deeper got more and more awesome. Can't believe I gave up on lucid dreaming. Those two experiences were amazing, and I still remember them vividly to this date. However, it's going to take me a while to get them going again. Gotta reprogram your head and stuff, teach it when to know it's in a dream. I envy the people who can just do this naturally.