[center][i]"May The Force Be With You"[/i][/center] Name: Alpha-95, "Tak" Race: Human Clone, Fett template Gender: Male Age: physical age 38, actual age 53 Appearance: [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/053/0/5/clone_trooper_a_53_solus_kad_by_blayaden-d5vtsxo.png[/img] Skills: -Advanced weapons training -Vehicle training, land -Hand to hand combat -Rudimentary explosives Equipment: -Stormtrooper armor, aesthetically changed and rewired -Phase 2 Clone Trooper helmet, multi use visor and rewired to be compatible to stormtrooper armor -E-11 Blaster -SE-14r Repeating Blaster -Backpack, contents are situational to current mission but usually made up of several types of grenades -Short sword made from an alloy Mandalorian Iron, or Beskar, and Durasteel Bio: Alpha-95, or Tak as he would later call himself, is one of the original one hundred Advanced Recon Commandos created on Kamino. The training endured was above and beyond anything the normal troopers could have imagined but at the end of it Tak had been groomed into a killing machine with the soul purpose of waging war. He has fought on almost every large front and has a personal kill count in the hundreds however this all meant little in the grand scheme of things. When Order 66 was activated he and most of the original one hundred rejected it, sealing their fates as traitors of the Empire. Afterwards Tak drifted from place to place, never staying long before leaving. Before his trip in stasis Tak and several other ARC troopers stayed to defend Kamino when the Empire marched upon the clone factories. The battle was glorious but futile, the anti-imperial clones fighting with untold tenacity. In the end however, Kamino fell and Tak was forced to flee. During his escape, Tak's ship was damaged and he was forced into a warp jump that shot him into the outer rim. Soon after things become hazy. He was taken in by a fledgling rebel cell and [i]put on ice[/i] as insurance for another time. Tak has only been awake for a couple months now and is far more satisfied with the organization that the Rebel Alliance has made itself into. A cause worth fighting for. Other: