[@Blaze96] An alright sheet. Nothing too flashy or special, but then sometimes a Master is not all flashy and special when they start out. I don't see anything really wrong with the sheet, with a simple backstory and some information about Alexander himself. Oldest part of the crew so far too, but as of right now as the only Master, and alright written, looks like a good contender. [@mindpalace] Tobias so far has the start of a character....but I need to know more about him than his parents. I know that he is harsh, but why is he harsh? His parents would fight? And where did his mom even go? Most mages tend to make the Academy their home because its safe for an Elemental to live there without worrying about angry mob forming cause they think you cursed them. Like I said, a good start, but I need to know what he is if I am to allow a Weaver level in like that. [@The Cook] This character needs a little bit of work. While the eyes can be a thing, I don't understand why they are different colors like that? It just seems like an odd trait. Also, being a firesmith means that you shouldn't be dealing with potions, antidotes, or herbs. Not really in your line of work. Also, an Academy is not so much a place to apply, but more of a place for Elementals to go so people are not hunting them throughout the day, or causing trouble in the world for other Elementals. Finally, the personality needs to be a bit more specific. Anyone can be anything if the situation calls for it, so what is he? Is he a cruel and unforgiving judge, watching for what people do? Or is he a quiet nice guy who isn't going to jump at you just because you made some mistakes? Because if he is swearing a painful bloody death on his own flesh and blood, I lean a lot more to the unforgiving judge. [@MrOmega] Seems like we have a sleepy Weaver here, newly minted. However, I don't think it sounds like he is really close to Weaver power level if he isn't even willing to listen to his instructors in learning more or expanding his power base. Having talents for the niche powers is good, but not Weaver good. Weavers have made their elements work in the majority of its facets, and having skill in just a part isn't going to make you a Weaver. Otherwise, the family presence is good, and the story seems like an everyman one. [@Luna] An Elemental who decided to be a bit more human huh? A very nice touch. Though, I think it could use a little grammar cleanup, I am intrigued by the idea. Though, if I may, I would ask that she be a bit older when it comes to her status. Adept is pretty high, and she has spent some time not at the Academy, so either some age raising, or some rank lowering, or something with the Academy. Also....I think you might want to lower your arrow count. A couple hundred arrows is probably enough to make an armor of arrows, which is a bit overkill. So, just be sure to keep the grammar up to par, age a little bit to be more in line with the rank, and I think this might be alright! [@Meridian] I like this sheet. She's a little bit young, but then she is extremely brash, downright abusive, and full of spit and fire. Also, since you stated that while she advanced quickly, her abilities have all but stopped changing, I think I might even let the power slide because you don't plan (at least from the sheet) to be creeping with power. As it stands now, I think I'd be happy to see how this turns out. [@Lambi] A silly merchant Pyromancer. Quite the shift from the Firestorm before you, almost a polar opposite...And with that said, I think you could fit in here nicely. Almost a typical life growing up. Mage and not mage parents, learning to control flames and make them dance, and using that to further just make flames do something more specific. So far, I like it. If anyone has any questions for me, character wise, RP wise, or anything like that. Nows the time to ask them, so that way you know what you are getting into! And for those at home keeping track, we have 3 people trying to be Pyromancers(2 Adepts, 1 Weaver) , 2 Illuminates (Master and Adept), 1 Hydomancer (Weaver), and 1 Nightshade (Weaver) Lots of Elements left, and a good amount of competition for some of these if you want in.