Hello there! I was late to the party with the very-very first Shadowrun thread which ended up never getting off the ground. Would it be possible for me to join this with the character I had whipped up previously? Here is the character sheet with some modification to accommodate your own variant. So in the event that a spot opens up, here an idea for a character I have. The first character sheet is the long version, while the second one is the compressed part that has the character sheet that was given at the beginning of the OOC chat. [hider=Smoke] Connecting JackPoint VPN … … Matrix Access ID Spoofed. … Encryption Keys Generated. … Connected to Onion Routers. > Login **************************** > Enter Passcode **************************** … Biometric Scan Confirmed. Connected to >Trogd0r has logged in Jackknife: Ugh, the script kiddie's back. Who let him in? Trogd0r: Fuck off, Jackknife. Have you guys seen what went down in San Fran? Some wizzer-gang got decimated War-luck: So? Those are usually made up dumbfucks that can't even light a match. Trogd0r: Not these guys, they would take jobs from the Yakuza. Jackknife: So? You do realize where you are, right? Trogd0r: Shut up Jack-off, let me tell my story War-luck: Let him talk. we get enough spam without you shitting it up yourself, Jackknife Jackknife: w/e hurry it up already Trogd0r: Alright so these aren't your usual wizkids, these freaks call themselves "The Order of The Black Ram" and were obviously Black Magicians War-luck: LOL so they WERE drek-for-brains. Trogd0r: I guess? Let me finish Trogd0r: So anyway it looks like went and blew themselves up in some sort of ritual, not really surprising given what they were doing, but I got some crazy info from my contacts Jackknife: What's crazy is you thinking we'd believe you have contacts Trogd0r: STFU Jackknife!!!!! Anyway it turns out that these 3O or something guys were taken out by one guy all at the same time! Jackknife: Why do replace zeroes and o's what is the 30's? Jackknife: Oh I'm sorry, the '3O's?' War-luck: Shut up, Jackknife I want to hear this Trogd0r: *tips deck to War-luck* Thanks choomba War-luck: Shut up tryhard and get on with it. Trogd0r: :( Trogd0r: Alright so there's guy that lives in the Ram's territory, and like usual were doing the usual wiz-bang stuff, set mundie's bags on fire scaring animals, hexing peoples gear the usual Trogd0r: And they try doing this to this one elf dude and he blocks the kid so hard he's knocked on his ass and the blow back leaves him drained. War-luck: So what? A wage-mage got into a dick-measuring contest with someone who gets their spells off of cock-tail napkins. What's the story? Jackknife: LOL Trogd0r: I'M GETTING TO THAT Trogd0r: Anyway, it turns out this guy has an Orichalcum ring as a foci. War-luck: Dayuuuum. Jackknife: ??? War-luck: Orichalum is basically the Excalibur of magitech. Except the difference between Orichalcum and the usual stuff is like the difference between tri-vid and those old bunny-eared tvs. Honestly Jackknife I expect this sort of thing from Trogd0r, not you Trogd0r: LOL Jackknife: Ask me if I care Trogd0r: So anyway, apparently these guys follow him home later and try to steal it along with anything else he has right? Anyway they break in but he's been waiting for them but andhe gets their hair and blood in the fight War-luck: FUUUUUUUUUUU- Trogd0r: Ya Trogd0r: So anyways instead of nuking them on the spot he makes them take them back to their spot and robs them of everything they got!!! War-luck: Alright, that's pretty schway. Trogd0r: It get's better. Trogd0r: So after he made off like a bandit without killing them they must have been pretty pissed and tried doing the same back to him so they use some hairs and stuff he left behind at their hideout and it turns out it was their own and they ended up setting themselves on fire! War-luck: No way. Trogd0r: Way! I did some digging from some street cams and matched his face to a 'dead' employee of Aztechnology Jackknife: An Azzie using blood magic? What a surprise! /s Trogd0r: rite? Anyway turns out this guy is bonafide 1st gen meta born in Mexico city. His name is Ramon Ramirez. Ran his own gang for a while as a chaos magician until Azetechnology scooped him up and sent him off to some uni in Europe. When he was done he did wet-work and infiltration and all that secret-agent stuff. >Locke has logged in Jackknife: You still haven't posted a pic Jackknife: YO YO LOCKE IS HERE War-luck: Hey there, Locke. Locke: Greetings, chummers. What pictures are we talking about? Trogd0r: Some Azzie mage that wiped the floor with some wiz-kids. [hider=Take a look] [img]http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Mitchell_Mohrhauser_Concept_Art_04.jpg[/img] [/hider] Jackknife: He doesn't look Mexican. War-luck: What does he need to wear a sombrero? Locke:Oh that's Smoke. War-luck: You know him? Locke:He's a shadowrunner. I've worked with him a few times. Trogd0r: What's he like? Locke: Well he's dependable, and he doesn't snitch or sell-out other members. Can be a bit arrogant but he keeps it professional with the Johnsons and in the field. Mostly. Trogd0r: So he really does Blood Magic? Locke: I've seen him do it once or twice but he rarely does it. He's a jack-of-all trades type though he doesn't use spirits as much as others and focuses on other things like infiltration, combat and utility spells. War-luck: Why not? Locke: I never asked. Why is there all this curiosity? Jackknife: Trogd0rk was talking about how he got some black magicians to ice themselves. Locke: Oh, do you mean that incident in San Francisco? Trogd0r: Yeah, the one where he used their own blood against them to blow up their hideout. Locke:??? Locke: Smoke didn't trick them into killing themselves with blood magic. He set the gasline that ran underneath the building on fire blowing it up. Jackknife: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jackknife: I told you this kid didn't know what he was talking about. War-luck: ROFLMAO I knew it was too good to be true. I can't believe I nearly fell for trash-d0r's story Locke: Did he talk about the ring, the trapping, and the stealing? Because those parts did happen. Trogd0r: <3 Trogd0r: So how is he running the streets if he's ex-Azzie? And why does he go by Smoke? Locke: I assume by bribes. Those vials of blood that Aztechnology use for their higher level staff needs to be replaced. You can only put so much anti-coagulant in it before the blood is too diluted and you need a fresh batch. As for Smoke it has something to do with Tezcatlipoca though he doesn't worship any gods. At least not that I know of. It's all very non-sequitur. Anyway some people have come in to look at some artifacts so I have to run. And speaking of running; Digging into people's past is a good way to end up in an early grave, even by our standards. And serving up hot information about other runners won't earn you any friends, Trogd0r. I highly suggest you stop doing so immediately. >Locke has logged out [/hider] [hider=Crunch] Real Name: Ramon Ramirez Alias: Smoke Age: 64 Appearance: About as rugged as an elf can get, Smoke's body is covered in a plethora of occult tattoos that only stop at his wrists and his collar bone so that he may have some semblance of professionalism when doing business such as when talking to a Johnson. While preferring to be in something comfy and casual when not on the clock, he's got the full set of tactical gear when they know things are going to get heavy. [hider=Image] [img]http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Mitchell_Mohrhauser_Concept_Art_04.jpg[/img] [/hider] Class/Specialization: Magician/Infiltration Backstory: Being of the first generation of metahumans Ramon found what would most likely have already been a hard life even harder living in the slums of Mexico-city. The son of a mechanic and a nurse, Ramon found it hard to stay on the straight and narrow as he constantly faced persecution from those around him and wound up in the gang life. After nearly being brained by a rival gang's member Ramon's powers first manifested in a smatter of gore that reduced his would be killer to a pulp. While initially-terrified he became obsessed with learning more and more as stories from across the world spread about the return of magic. Not partial to any sort of religion or culture in general, Ramon sought out whatever would give him new results thus labeling him as a chaos magician. As his knowledge and powers grew, Ramon lead his own gang of meta-humans until he picked up enough steam to be seen by Aztechnology. Eager to leave the gang life and provide for his parents he signed on the dotted line and got not only a great paying job, but a full ride to a university in the Allied German States. While for some time the surprisingly quick-witted boy worked as a lab-assistant for research the higher ups vetting his background realized that he was better suited for a different position and assigned him to corporate sabotage where he would spy, steal, and even kill for his employers. For some years Ramon lived happily like this, until for reasons only known to him, he quit the corporate life. For the past seven years Ramon has been an active shadowrunner going under the moniker, Smoke. Personality: Due to the environment that he was raised in, Smoke has some prejudices against non-metas and the rich. While Smoke was a very angry person growing up, he has learned to deal with his prejudices, or at least keep them from getting in the way of the job, often dealing with his agitation through a thin veneer of sarcasm. Ironically enough he doesn't believe that awakened are innately superior to others. Just himself. When there isn't a hailstorm of bullets flying at him he can almost be considered chill, and even an average guy; for a magician that is. Beneath his tough guy act he's a sucker for romance. Equipment: Hammerli620S (w/Silencer,) Armor Jacket, Orichalcum ring foci (left hand), commlink, karambit, obsidian knife, gecko gloves, chameleon suit, sub-vocal microphone. [/hider] [hider=Opinion on team mates] [b]Traction:[/b]Smoke takes it as a compliment she hasn't stabbed them in the back yet. Definitely one of the more professional members of the team Smoke initially protested being teamed with her, but after a couple of runs seeing her skills in action, he finds her need for flash to be irksome, though he hasn't seen her promise something she hasn't delivered yet. Has a very faded grey aura to him, standing out in a crowd by how little color there is in it compared to those around her, most likely from the cyberware. While her off-hour 'hobbies' [b]Yegor:[/b]Smoke doesn't like Yegor on principle, as he's a walking stereotype that Humanis points to when they go about trying to lynch another meta. On the other hand, Smoke feels sympathy for the kid as they come from very similar backgrounds. He may be dumb as a sack of hammers, but at least he hits like one. Has a rather pleasant aura, even the mark of the wolf totem. [b]Cath:[/b] One of the few awakened that Smoke would consider his equal, or at least worth his respect, Smoke finds the 'mysterious mage' act she puts on to be tiring, but seeing how clients seem to lap it up, he doesn't make a big deal out of it; although he has wondered if it's all an act or if she really is like that. As for her method of magic, Smoke believes her reverence for spirits is making her more and more disconnected from the material world, which may be fine for most wiz-kids but he'd rather she not be a space-case in the middle of a job. At least she covers the bases Smoke refuses to unless absolutely necessary. While is aura is very vibrant and even appealing, the touch of the cat totem always keeps him from looking too close. [b]Damien:[/b]The Clint Eastwood type that Smoke was a sucker for in his youth, Damien is walking proof that not all humans are bad, something that Smoke tends to have to remind himself on more days than others. While others may take issue with Damien's former occupation, Smoke doesn't toss any stones his way, not only because Smoke is a former Azzie, but because Damien is perhaps the most stable member of their group. Despite Damien's attempts to keep things simple, his aura is as multi-faceted as Cath's although not as vibrant. [b]Recluse:[/b]Smoke has probably given him Recluse more patience than he deserves. At first it was because Recluse was a chaos mage much like himself and Smoke thought he may even take him on as an apprentice but any aspirations of that quickly vanished. Between his creepy totem and the long periods of time where Smoke wonders if he genuinely fell asleep from whatever sniper's nest he's in, Smoke doesn't talk to him as much as he probably should. At times he forgets Recluse is a mage. His aura isn't as bright as Cath's or as elaborate as Damien's but his rare totem easily identifies him from a crowd when he would otherwise be invisible. [b]Kali:[/b]Kali. Fucking Kali. While it isn't one of the hip new words that the kids use today, the old term 'murderhobo' is definitely applicable to her. Why the team keeps this sociopath is beyond him, as any number of people she's killed could just have just as easily been avoided if it weren't for her around. Between being hopped up on who the hell knows what and all her guns, Smoke would rather Traction betray them all then be standing in front of this crazy bitch when shit hits the fan. Smoke finds looking at her aura to be physically nauseating, the shredded bits of her aura burning his retinas for minutes after he's turned off his aura sight. [/hider]