[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/serif-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170317/fb405dbb7f24feba88982a2d27554aed.png[/img][/url][/center] [Hider=Vazra] [b]Name: [/b] Vazra, commonly referred to as 'Void hounds' or 'Void wolves'. [b]Region:[/b] Unknown, from the Void [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img07.deviantart.net/d804/i/2013/269/9/c/fire_spitting_by_shade_shypervert-d6nzpy7.jpg[/img] [b]Details:[/b] [i]Nasty canine-like beasts, clearly from the void. They possess a strange molten liquid within their bodies that they can excrete at will, and there have been reports of them even spitting it as projectiles at their prey. Usually travel in packs of four or five at a time though larger packs are not unheard of. Not sure where they come from exactly but they appear to be the most common Void creatures on this side of the rifts. Weak points are behind the vents on its neck and on its chest, just below its shoulders. Careful about striking too close near the vents though, will spill the liquid and probably get burned! Done it before, nasty experience. Out of curiosity tried to rupture one with a spell and cause it to explode, also a bad idea. Splattering the surrounding area with molten liquid not advised. Also a bad idea to flatten them for the same reason. Best option is a precise, quick strike to weak areas. Also worth noting that they appear to converge on other Void beasts if in the area. Killed a Sable the other day only to have a pack of these show up! Thankfully they're easy enough to kill, though be careful since they do travel in packs. On a random side note do not try their meat, fairly certain it is rotten. [/i] [/hider] [hr] [Hider=Rökorm] [b]Name: [/b] Rökorm, from Ydrans meaning "Serpent of the Mist". [b]Region:[/b] Unknown, from the Void [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/7fbc/th/pre/i/2015/039/6/3/amatsumagatsuchi__the_storm_dragon_by_halycon450-d8h4y28.jpg[/img] [b]Details:[/b] [i]What a strange creature! Unlike anything we have in our world this beast can turn into a phantom it seems and become immune to any damage, magic included. On the bright side they can't attack when like this either so waiting for them to materialize again is the best time to strike. Not sure still on how often it can evade like this, I'll have to hunt down a few more and test some theories. Very susceptible to blunt damage, which is good news for someone like myself! Aside from becoming ethereal the Rökorm also tends to use bursts of air to deflect projectiles, and even spells. Powerful enough to send a full grown man flying, several times, or to shatter rock. There is a lapse of a few seconds in between when these bursts can happen though, know your windows and when to strike. They have a nasty attack that seems to release highly pressurized air in a jet stream at their prey. Usually comes after a high pitched screech, awfully powerful, enough to root up trees. A sturdy defense though will cause the air to dissipate, seek shelter then behind something like a large rock. Have to wonder what would happen if you tried stuffing the Rökorm when it was gathering air for this. I'd try but they tend to die too quickly, not very durable when thrown about. Mind when you do kill them that they sometimes explode. Not sure why, but getting their innards out of your clothing is more difficult than slaying the damned beasts.[/i] [/hider]