The entire situation diffused in that instant and he cocked an eyebrow at the curious young girl. "That's... That's your concern?" In disbelief, he shook his head, "Ten seconds ago, you were going to gut me like a fish! Now you're..?!" The man stopped, took a deep breath to level himself and then let it out slowly. "That's... my ability, I guess." As her drill-tail moved behind her, his did the same, mirroring her movements carefully, still not exactly trusting. In fact, less so after her sudden attitude shift. "Who exactly are you? And why the hell are you way out here, attack random people? That's a good way to get killed," He said skeptically, his eyes narrowing as he held her gaze, watching for even the slightest movement. This container was cramped and he still had no idea where the hell he was, come to think of it. He hadn't stepped out yet - he could be in the middle of some city, about to kill a kid, right in front of everybody. But he didn't exactly know the layout of Area A, as the information was pretty highly classified. No, he was going into this blind.