As much as Ellyn was having fun she knew it was time to meet with the others and rushed to their side in complete speed. She doesn't know how she ran so fast with this skirt, maybe Sana will let her borrow her knife or something to cut the skirt so she will be able to move without all the restrictions and less chance of tripping over all the time. As soon as she saw at the scene she saw what was going on, the lich just dispersed out of nowhere and she was then bound by the darkness. 'Ugh!' Ellyn cried out, regardless of being able to see or not she doesn't know how to help from there on because she wanted to know. But she remembers a little something she read in her song book, so going right next to Artos after hearing his chanting she grabbed out her songbook and tried reading it, but alas, it wasn't the type of spellbook that glows like Artos's did, closing it in slight jealousy she placed it back where it was and decided to cast chordsong instead, damaging the wraith at the very least.