Apparently girls are better in this kind of situation, well, at least this girl in particular. While clearly being surprised, her excitement was that of a teenage girl in a famous band concert. Well, at least the "teenage girl" part is true. Adam meanwhile stay silent, trying to observe the situation in hand. To say the least, they were kidnapped by these mysterious fella for unknown reason. Trying to tickle their patience might be a unwise move to make. "......" Actually, no need to worry about that. If that was indeed the case, this Yuri girl had already set her foot on a landmine. The robed group then direct their attention towards the book that fell from Yuri's pocket. One of them pick up the book and read it. "......!" Adam was completely clueless of what written in the book, but he pretty convinced that it's hardly decent by any means. But the robed group's reaction state otherwise. However Adam couldn't read their face due to their hoods hiding their face. "Could it be she" "But isn't she" "Isn't she just a legend?" "No, no, that is..." clear enough they start whispering to each other. Luckily it didn't took long for them to conclude their discussion. *woosh* A strong gust of wind flutters, and the three robed people reveal their faces. Familiar faces to say the least. A fairly young girl wearing a cat-ear accessory, a emerald-eyed man, and a pink-haired woman. They were the Weise Katze employees. It was then, Adam open his mouth. "Okay, what is this? Some kind of attraction for newcomers I suppose?" That was the first thing that comes to mind. However, the three did not answer. Instead they were on the knee, bowing to them, or to be precise, to Yuri. "We beg your forgiveness, Madam...--" The next word coming out from their mouth was beyond what Adam could ever imagine. [i]What the heck is this farce?[/i], he shouted deep inside.