Daniel noticed her shift backwards on the table. Her body language had grown uncomfortable when he had guided her shirt back down. The pirate in him saw it as an opportunity, a moment of weakness and tempted him to press further. The honorable gentleman in him, the side that he made a point of choosing, encouraged him to take a step or to back. Daniel obliged to his conscience. It was one of the things he was proud of, one of the things that made him feel more civilized. Continuing to treat women as people as opposed to mere services. On top of that there was still the image stinging in the back of his mind of Avery cutting down each of his old crew members. It was certainly another kind of encouragement to treat the woman as her rank would suggest. Daniel thought on her question for a moment. He had the chance to make a life on land like he had dreamed of as a child, but all he knew now was the sea. He felt caught, between comfortable, challenge, ambitions and old emotional scars. He hadn't been free since he was a boy, before he was sold into being a cabin boy. [b]"I'll go where th' tide takes me."[/b] he said. A true sailor's answer, though he wasn't sure if it was what he would truly want. This quest of hers did sound interesting, and he seemed to be the only doctor aboard. The pirate and boy in him reveled in the idea of an adventure. Finally, since their first encounter, he smiled. It was only a slight curl of the lips and it was uneven, but it was a smile none the less.