Ω[b]Professor Jacques dragonheart[/b]Ω “…perhaps that there..or maybe this here..hmm…how was it back when I used to teach, again?...oh, damn this limited amount of stones and crystals!” to a student, or staff wandering by the classrooms on their morning endeavors, that would be the sound that unquestionably graced their ears. The ill-defined source? One of the magic classrooms. The well-defined source? Why, professor dragonheart, of course! To anyone who had the pleasure of getting to know him even a little, the idea that the aged master mage would forgo normal morning rout such as breakfast or even *gasp* coffee to instead prepare his lessons was quite the normal one. Oh, he’d eat later, maybe even indulge in a scone.. but damned if he didn’t have everything ready. “well… mmm..maybe..yes!” Jacques popped his head out with a smile. “ahem..any students willing to procure stone and crystal resources for my class, will be awarded either extra credit, or private lessons, depending on quanity. ..and quickness.” he shouted out the door. Popping back in only to pop back out to add.. “sans tarder!!!!” the professor absolutely bellowed. Most likely frightening at least one person with the sudden, loud addendum to his earlier statement.