Avery smiled back at him and said "Well there's the smile I was looking for...well since your undecided, why don't we do this. My ship needs a doctor, which your the best I've seen in years, and you need somewhere to go. Why don't you stay on the ship for as long as you like. You are a free man here, the whole crew is a good group and no one is a slave in anyway here. And when we get to a port at any point and you feel the need to go out on your own, all I ask is that you help me find a doctor to take your place. Does that sound fair?" She was relaxed again now that the doctor wasn't as close. She never minded men being close to her, but right after shifting she could see smell the blood and could hear his heartbeat. It made her sick but the part of her that didn't come out very much wanted to make that heart beat faster and to hear him pant. To hear him ask her to do many things to him and it made her want to vomit. But with him back a step or two it caused that voice to go quiet and she could think clearly again.