[center] [hider=Brother 'Skullcavus' Zethidis] [u][b]Name [/b][/u] Brother Zethidis Otherwise known as Skullcavus [u][b]Chapter:[/b][/u] Legion of The Damned [color=000030][i]We fight in silence, we kill as one.[/i][/color] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Skullcavus] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FEj1jus.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][u]EXP:[/u][/b] 85/100 [u][b]Level:[/b][/u] 1 [b][u]Warp charges:[/u][/b] 0 [u][b]Hit Points:[/b][/u] 30 [u][b]Wounds:[/b][/u] 2 [u][b]Weapon Skill:[/b][/u] 2d6 [u][b]Ballistic Skill:[/b][/u] 7d6 [u][b]Initiative:[/b][/u] 3 [b][u]Leadership:[/u][/b] 2d6 Equipment: [i]Indomitus Pattern Terminator Armor[/i] with cracked skull helm. [i]Chain fist[/i] with retractable saw. (Left hand) [i]Stormbolter[/i] with extended magazine. (Right hip) [i]Altered Behemoth Astartes Sniper Rifle[/i] with reload assist – iron sights. (Two handed) [i]Recon Drone[/i], sound wave generating and thermal plus visual imaging. (Portable) [u][b]Veteran Traits: [/b][/u] [b]See no Evil:[/b] [color=000030][i]You may not see me coming, but you will feel my presence, before the end.[/i][/color] [color=9e0b0f](Zethidis releases a cloud of nano droids upon his foes, burrowing into their eyes. Rendering them blind Zethidis can either take them down himself or let the droids continue past the tissue, into the bone, and through the brain – although this takes a few moments. He can effect up to five foes at once, or 1 foe after another up to a total of five, after this his nano droids number zero. This ability has great synergy with Bone shield.) [/color] [b]Bone Shield:[/b] [color=000030]The dead rise in waves, blocking the path of all who mean to harm me, and they too will sleep eternally. [/color] [color=9e0b0f](Once per mission, Zethidis can reanimate an organic corpse/s with an intact brain to move at his will, the reanimated dead may be weak and slow but they make an unparalleled meat shield. If the body is in good condition they may also attack a foe with any melee weapons they possess or that are in the vicinity. Up to 7 bodies may from the bone shield) [/color] [u][b]Psyker Abilities: [/b][/u] [b]Sphere of Distortion:[/b] [color=000030]Pray you are not caught in the Sphere, as your blood will likely fall to the floor before your eyes, in a slow and endless waterfall. [/color] [color=9e0b0f](Once per mission Zethidis can cause the sphere to grow or shrink, the larger the sphere the less potent the effect, any biological brain in the sphere is effected. While time under these effects time is not actually altered, the targets mind perceives the world and its occurrences at a slower rate. For example a small sphere around a Heretics head would have him moving at 5% of normal speed. A sphere enveloping a group of Orks, numbering around 10, would have them moving at around 30%.) [/color] [b]Consuming darkness:[/b] [color=000030]I strike from your shadow, I move with the dark. [/color] [color=9e0b0f](Fading into the shadows, Zethidis can hide there unnoticed until he chooses to attack. Both ranged and melee attacks do greatly increased damage as Zethidis has time to find the weak link in his targets soon to be corpse. The use of this Ability costs Zethidis 1 hit point or he can consume the life energy from a fallen foe to charge it – to a maximum of 2 total charges.) [/color] [/hider] [/center]