Very late here from interest check sorry my extreme tardiness. I´d still like to participate if that´s ok with you all. If Im just an unwelcome meddler at this point or if there is anything wrong with my CS, please I respect straight words. [hider=Mess] [b]Name[/b]: Messier Charles. Codename: "Mess three." [b]Appearance[/b]: Thin and pale apparition with short cut black hair. His arms and legs have been cut off and been replaced with unwieldy, thin mechanic limbs. Messier has an large tattoo of number "Three" on his chest and back. [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Experiment type[/b]: Cybernetics and psychoactive mutagens. [b]Powers[/b]: Mild kinetics. All the psychoactive shots engineered by Richter Veiss eventually brought forward Messier´s power to bend matter to his will. These "gifts" were however defective and in need of serious retrofitting, At the moment Messier´s kinetic powers can freefloat 10kg amount of material at most and presice control of larger masses remains impossible for now. His frail arms and legs hold an small reserve of knives to use in cooperation with his kinetic mastery. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Emotional, quick tempered, unaccustomed to his robotic limbs. [b]Bio[/b]: Messier was something of an pet project for Dr. Richter Veiss in doctors pursuit of biological humanoid weapon. Constant torturous experiments and daily shots of "Compound "zzzx" Brought forward in Messier the required abilities for an biological humanoid weapon. It was theoretizied that when fully developed, "Mess three" Could crush city blocks with but thought alone, however these heights were never reached in the laboratories where Messier was holed up with his kindred test subjects. And till today few know why his arms and legs were removed and replaced with cybernetic frames by the doctors first born son, Robert. Maybe for the simple joy of father giving his son something to tinker with. Regardless, Messier never lost the rebellious spirit towards his captors. He has long played the part of obedient test subject, waiting for an chance such as this. To strike against the monster who sang to him gently while stripping him of all humanity.[/hider]