[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/81838-salem-witches-institute-harry-potter/ic]Salem Witches' Institute {Harry Potter}[/url] [color=gray][center][h1]|JULIUS AQUINO|[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/B3ZTlUo.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=7ea7d8]Name:[/color] [indent]Julius "Jules" Aquino[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Gender:[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Age:[/color] [indent]13[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Year:[/color] [indent]3rd[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Blood:[/color] [indent]Half-Blood[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]House:[/color] [indent]Tituba[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Wand:[/color] [indent]Cedar, Dragon Heartstring, Pliable, 11 3/4"[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Pet:[/color] [indent]None, but has been begging his mom for a dog for years. Or a dragon.[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Electives:[/color] [indent]Care of Magical Creatures Muggle Studies Divination[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Clubs:[/color] [indent]Magical Creatures Club[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Personality:(At least a paragraph)[/color] [indent]Jules specializes in back-talking, smack-talking, trouble-making, and heart-breaking (because really, look at those eyes). Already very independent, Jules hates it when people tell him what to do, and even more when they talk down to him. He's rash, and has no tact to him at all, but at least you always know that what you see is what you get with him. Somehow though, people can never stay mad at him when he does something that by all accounts should land him in detention (and often does). Jules still has all the wonder and curiosity of a little boy, and a smile that lights up his face. Though he's never cared much for things like rules or authority, Jules has high moral standards and empathy, and no patience for cruelty. He's a small, but scrappy kid who isn't afraid to stand up to someone and pick a fight… even when it can only end badly for him. Jules is also very responsible, something that tends to catch most people off guard. He's a dependable sort with a protective streak, who you can go to for almost anything, and he'll have your back. Especially if it means making a little mischief. He loves mischief. In his few years at Salem's, he's already garnered a reputation among teachers and students alike for pulling pranks and being a general disturbance. Jules never means any harm, though (unless it's fight pickin' time) and mostly just does it to make others laugh. He likes spending time with other people and cracking jokes, so he's pretty popular with the other students his age. He's brave, loyal, curious, and mischievous, but all in all, he's just a kid who's stumbled into magical abilities and wants to have fun with them. What can possibly go wrong.[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Likes:[/color] [indent]His mom Animals of all sorts General tomfoolery[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Dislikes:[/color] [indent]Rules Being talked down to Bullies His mom being anything but happy[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Fears:[/color] [indent]Loss Heights Uselessness[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Biography:[/color] [indent]A scrawny punk from Richmond, CA, Jules was born to single mother, Rosa Aquino. Rosa, a squib, immigrated to America from the Philippines when she was still pregnant, and managed to find a shabby apartment in the Bay Area just in time to give birth to him. Though she lacked any talent for magic, she knew that in all likelihood Jules would be a wizard just like his grandpa. So when at three years old, Rosa inexplicably found him sitting on top of the refrigerator – where she'd hidden a toy she'd confiscated from him two days ago – she knew exactly what was going on. On her next day off from work, she took baby Julius to San Francisco's wizarding district and walked him through the allies. His introduction to the magical world was… a noisy one. He stared, wide-eyed as Rosa walked him into Sybill's Savoring Sweeties, a candy shop. The two of them played with the different treats, some changing color, some moving all on their own. They dissolved into giggles as Jules' wonder and delight. But then as Rosa was distracted talking to Sybill, little Jules picked up a few of the fire-crackers and dropped them on the floor. The ensuing cacophony was something to behold, and he almost lit the store on fire. The two woman did the reasonable thing and freaked out, but Jules just giggled at the spectacle, in awe (it wasn't uncommon to hear gunshots at night in Richmond – Jules had stopped being afraid of loud noises long before magic entered his life). The knowledge that he was different from the other kids at school, that he had [i]magic[/i], didn't impede his ability to make friends. Instead, it was all the time he spent in time-out. Teachers were quick to brand him a trouble-maker for both his love of pranks and his uncanny ability to start fights with other kids in the play yard every time someone wasn't looking. It didn't matter if Jules was the target, or if it was his friend, or someone he didn't know at all. If someone started doing something that he didn't think was right, he stepped in. Luckily, five year olds can't do much to seriously hurt each other. But still, it landed him in time-out often enough, and poor Rosa got more and more calls about her unruly son. Eventually, enough was enough, and she decided that it was time he got a good lecture – along with a couple of smacks to the head. Jules wasn't exactly cured of his ways, but at least he got better at knowing where the line was drawn – and when it was acceptable to cross it. As Jules grew older, Rosa started depending on him more and more. She took him to doctor appointments to translate her broken mix of English and Tagalog, had him take official phone calls for her so she wouldn't have to speak, and had him negotiate with their landlord, because she didn't trust her ability to do it well enough. Jules took on more and more responsibility, almost becoming a parent in his own right. His mom worked two jobs and late nights, so he learned to cook and made dinner for her from the few ingredients stocked in their fridge so she'd have something to eat when she got home. As he got taller and more responsible, Rosa seemed to shrink, time and her heavy work load weighing her down. Leaving for Salem's when Jules was eleven was both the most exciting and most painful thing he'd ever done. He hated leaving his mom. Who was going to talk for her, or make her dinner, or give her a good morning kiss? And Richmond wasn't exactly a safe neighborhood. Even at his young age, he knew that much. But Rosa insisted, saying that they would write each other every week (a tradition they still continue, even today) and that she would be fine. Besides, didn't he want to learn all about magic? He'd learn so many wonderful things, and then during breaks he could come home and they could go into magical San Francisco so Jules could show off and not get in trouble for using underage magic. It'd be the best experience of his life, she promised.[/indent][/color] [color=7ea7d8]Speaking:[/color] [indent][color=wheat]Wheat[/color][/indent]