Having some time to think about the situation, and being strangely assured by her, he had his answer. [color=a36209][b]"Aye. Ye have yerself a doctor."[/b][/color] Daniel said, the smile fading from his expression. He raised his right hand to his mouth before spitting into his palm. Daniel held it out to her for her to shake, fairly certain that she was aware of the custom equal to that of a contract. [color=a36209][b]"I do expect t' be paid like any other man on yer vessel."[/b][/color] He said, more of a polite reminder since pirates often conveniently left out details and he did not want to miss a payday. Often it covered his supplies among other things that warmed the insides. A part of him wondered if the saliva hand shake would gross her out like any other lady in port, but the other part fully expected her to spit in her hand and shake hardly phased by the action. Avery was for many reasons, not merely a lady. ~~~ Amelia began to stir from her sleep. She felt stiff and groggy, more tempted to call her time in dreamland a rest as opposed to a nap or sleep. It was exhausting waking up on another boat, though the woman that brought her here seemed nice enough. She was older to be weathering the seas but if she was out here still it make Amelia wonder at what must be her incredible skill. [color=a2d39c][b]"Mmmm..."[/b][/color] she tested, rolling over to look out into the kitchen. The older woman was busy about the food, moving faster than she had seen any cook move before. Quietly, she tried to sit up without making much of a noise. On the last vessel, Amelia had been taken hostage due to her age and moderate looks from a port the pirates had plundered. She had learned there to be the cook's assistant and the man was about as picky as a bird and tough as nails. There were multiple times he swatted at her with various cooking utensils for not knowing what to do or not doing it fast/quietly enough. The entire ship terrified her. This boat was much ore welcoming. The woman was so kind to her. Scarlet, Amelia recalled, was her name. She seemed like a lovable mama hen.