[center][h1]Wilson & Thor[/h1][h3]Feat Dwight Parkins[/h3][/center] Wilson just gave a smile, have just playing nice and half in an actual laugh. "I'm sorry Miss Olsen however firstly I don't want to ask you about the Hulk-" He placed his hand on her shoulder. "-Second if you want fresh clothes we can either supply some or send someone to get some from your appartment. I'm afraid this issue is time sensitive. I need you to come with me now, otherwise there could be more trouble and right now-" He indicated to the building. "-With the damage caused here, we can't afford that. Especially, and no offence ma'am we can't have you caught in the middle of it again. If you want we can have Mr.Parkins picked up and brought to our base if that would make you feel more comfortable. However we really must be getting ready to go." Thor was wary of this Wilson fella, his motives were impossible to determine, especially since he wanted to question her about something other than the Hulk. Regardless, he had a point; Thor didn't exactly want to hang around here for much longer either. At the mention of a certain Mr Parkins though, she wondered if maybe she could allow herself to relax, was this stranger a friend she could trust? Could he help her track down Loki? "You are a friend of Dwight? " she asked. "Very well then, I shall go with you, Dwight has the spare key to my apartment he can grab my things" she agreed. Maybe things were finally looking up... Wilson was kind of taken back by the comment. Perhaps the people who felt she wasn't off this world were actually... right. It seemed a bit odd and a bit far fetched, however there was a "Spider-man" who had just been fighting a triceratops capable of shooting laser beams in existence. So in the grand scheme of things it wasn't all that odd, just a surprise. Though he could be wrong, perhaps she was just naive. In the end it made no difference, she was going to come with him and that was the important thing. "We do know Dwight yes, I'll have someone pick him up and grab you a fresh set of clothes." He nodded at a nearby agent, who just turned around and started walking away. He indicated to the back of the open quinjet. "After you ma'am." He then followed her into the jet, and let her sit down, he himself stayed standing as the door behind him closed and the craft lifted off. Thor didn’t know that Wilson was part of SHIELD, much less what SHIELD was, and that it wasn’t the type of thing Dwight was involved in, but she was easily fooled, it helped that she had utterly no clue how human society on Midgard functioned and hadn’t exactly been around long enough to figure it all out. Surely, this Wilson guy wouldn’t have known Dwight by name had they not become friends, and if Dwight trusted Wilson, Thor was willing to consider taking the risk too, but only after she got to know a little more about Wilson and what was going on. Regardless, if Wilson knew anything about Loki, she would be willing to cooperate, she had no time to waste. Inside the jet, Thor looked around. SHe just looked. At everything. This was nothing like Dwights rickety old car, or the public transports she’d been on. The jet was … it was beyond her comprehension and there were agents milling about using computers with all sorts of complicated things on display. To say she was ever so slightly overwhelmed was an accurate statement, though she kept her cool, everyone else on the jet seemed to be relatively calm so she adopted an air of nonchalance. Dwight was fretting, then again, he was a bit of a worrier by nature, it didn’t help that he saw a great green monster crash into NYC and see his friend (and greatest research assistant ever) disappear to fight against goodness-only-knows what sort of odds. He was shocked further when a stranger approached him with a grim expression. “Dwight Parkins” the agent said stoically. Dwight nodded and tried not to shake too much. “And who might you be?” he asked, his voice not faltering which surprised even himself. “I am from SHIELD, we have your friend, Ms. Olsen. She’s agreed to come with us for questioning but has requested a change of clothes, after the fight her outfits a little worse for wear … and you know what women are like” the agent said casually, it wouldn’t do to get Dwight all nervous afterall, anything Dwight knew about … [i]Tara[/i] would aid the investigation. “Ms Olsen said you had a key to her apartment, so if you would be willing to hel-” Dwight nodded instantly, “Yes, of course, I’ll go right away and her her some things.” While Thor didn’t know what she was getting into, Dwight was suspicious and wanted to make sure he could catch up with her quick. Luckily, Thor’s tiny flat wasn’t too far and Dwight made it over quickly, keeping his conversation with the SHIELD agent as casual as possible. Thor’s flat was entirely bare in regards of technology or electronic gadgets. There was a fridge, lightly stocked, and lights, a telephone by the door but she rarely used it. It was sparsely furnished or decorated, as if someone hadn’t even finished moving in yet. In her bedroom, Dwight dug through her closet to get some clean clothes and managed to find some of her Asgardian gear, tucking it underneath her regular civillian clothes, perhaps she’d need something armoured and her civvie stuff wouldn’t suffice.