[center][b]Washington D.C.[/b][/center][center][i]Courtesy of the Daily Bugle Communications[/i][/center] The tragedy that happened in New York yesterday clearly illustrates the state of our country, the greatest nation that has ever been created on this Earth. Our forefathers have almost faced clear and present dangers. The British. Slavery. Communism. Terrorists. However, there is a new threat to the American way. Mutants. If anything, the ‘Mutant’ incident reveals how hopefully powerless we are against these super-powered individuals. We were fortunate that this only happened to an individual building with minimal casualties. But what will happen next? An airplane in midflight? A subway crammed at rush hour? A school full of children? Something must be done to protect the international and domestic security of this grand nation. While several ideas have been tossed around on Capitol Hill, the United States government has not yet decided what route is the best course for this situation. But I know one thing: we must ensure the safety of our citizens from these super-power beings in both the international stage and our own backyard. -[i]Senator Robert Kelly[/i], [b]R[/b] Massachusetts [hr] [center][b]New York City, NY[/b][/center][center][i]Courtesy of the Daily Bugle Communications[/i][/center] Even with the tragedy that struck New York City yesterday, we all must remember this while determining the proper direction for ‘solving’ this ‘Mutant’ issue. They are, of course, all human and therefore are guaranteed the same rights, protections, and liberties that everyone else does. Have we not progressed as a society to just regress back into the barbaric practices of the past? Were efforts of Martin Luther King Jr. and the suffrage movements exerted in vain just to return to bigotry? We are not talking about inanimate objects that have no souls and no consciences. They are human beings and must be treated as such. When a normal human commits murder with a firearm, they will be tried in the court systems. When someone uses illegal substances, they will be arrested for possession. Those who break traffic laws will be ticketed and, when necessary, summoned to court. These ‘Mutants’ should also be subject to this same system. If such a super-powered being, such as that wall-crawling menace better known as Spider-Man, commits a felony, they should be punished at the full extent of the law. If they are law-abiding citizens, like you and me, let them live their lives out like us. -[i]J. Jonah Jameson[/i], publisher of the [i]Daily Bugle Newspaper[/i] and director of [i]Daily Bugle Communications[/i] [hr] [center][b]Washington D.C.[/b][/center][center][i]Courtesy of the Daily Bugle Communications[/i][/center] [b]DBC[/b]: During your speech, you defined a ‘Mutant’ as someone who possesses the recently discovered ‘X-gene’. What if the super-powered individual does not possess such a gene? Would they be subject to the same measures as ‘Mutants’? [b]RK[/b]: [i](referring to 'Mutants' and 'non-Mutant' superhumans)[/i] What’s the difference? -[i]A Q&A with Senator Robert Kelly[/i]